Boost Your Pet's Vitality with StrezzA: A Comprehensive Guide to Natural Energy and Health
A Game Of Stress: 10 Reasons Why Stress Is A Mess.
Stress, as we all know, it is a state of being anxious, worried, and troubled with respect to some ongoing event or an event that has already taken place in the past. Stress is an emotion expressed by animals as well, although in ways we may not be so familiar with it. Stress is the reaction to certain unwanted outward stimuli. It may be due to traveling, change of location, change of atmosphere, and so on. However, stress may also be due to certain ailments and disease processes, certain emotional/physical trauma, or it may be due to certain normal physiological conditions such as pregnancy/lactation, etc. Let us understand this better:
What Stresses Our Pets Out: Top 10 Reasons
1. Travelling..
Although you may love traveling and exploring the unexplored, this particular expedition may not fare well with your pets. Pets are highly sensitive to changes in localities and areas. One of the reasons may be that pets such as dogs are territorial animals. They like protecting and guarding their regions. A sudden change in environment may affect them mentally as it takes time to acclimatise to the new atmosphere.
Here’s what you can do-
- Make your pet comfortable with the idea of traveling by introducing them to your car/mode of transport prior to the journey, allowing them to explore car seats, etc.
- Travel shorter distances before undertaking longer journeys.
- Carry water and feed bowls.
- Water should be freely available.
- A fitness certificate from your vet is a must prior to undertaking any journeys.
- The vaccination schedule must be up to date.
- Carry all prescription medicines along with your pet’s health file.
2. Moving Houses
On similar grounds as traveling, any sudden change can affect your pets. Therefore it is advisable to make your pets more comfortable prior to any shifting/moving houses scheduled plans.
3. Introducing New Pets.
Every pet is different and unique, with their own little quirks, likes and dislikes. Thinking of bringing home new pets? Stop and think twice. Some pets are commonly ok with new pets being added nearly immediately. At the same time, some pets are not-so-okay with the whole scenario. Some take time to gel and open up. You know your pet quite well. Hence, before adopting another furry paw, ensure that the pet is okay.
Behavioural changes and hostility / friendly behaviour are two sides of the same coin; the point is which one lands first. Here’s what you can do to minimise stress while introducing new pets-
- Do not force your pet to bond with a new pet.
- Let the process be gradual.
- Do not keep food bowls together on the very first day of introducing them to each other, as it may trigger fights in some cases.
- Hire a Canine behavioural expert in case your dog/cat is acting strange or is extremely agitated.
- Give both the old and new pet some space to figure out and adjust to the new environment.
- Give assurance to your pet.
4. Introducing New People.
Introducing new pets and new people can be a challenge for some, while it can be a much easier task for others. It again depends upon the innate nature of your pet. Some pets can easily gel with other human beings, while some are quite anxious and hence tend to go into hiding, indicating that they are stressed. Some pets, on the other hand, can get extremely agitated, in a sense to protect their owners from the potential danger that the new stranger may bring.
5. Unfamiliar Areas And Surroundings.
Dogs are natural explorers. They like heading out and studying extra about their new environment. However, this is a gradual process, and it is better if the pet themselves decide the pace of this process. For instance, if you want to learn how to swim, you will gradually take a step forward and would prefer this method over being pushed suddenly into the ocean. This very identical notion applies to our pets as well. Sudden introduction to unfamiliar areas and territories may trigger anxiety and stress and would end up doing more damage than good.
6. Disease Process.
Infections and disease-causing viruses put an immense load on the immune system. The immune system is composed of the White Blood Cells or the fighter cells that effectively capture, kill and destroy any foreign invading pathogens. Bacteria, viruses, and prions can trigger the immune system and therefore hamper immunity. This, in turn, sends the body and immune system under tremendous amounts of pressure, which contributes to elevated stress levels.
7. Recent Vaccinations And Medications.
Although this type of stress is almost minimal, it is still not negligible. Vaccination involves injecting non-pathogenic/avirulent antigens into the body to trigger the immune response. This helps the body remember the disease-causing pathogen and give adequate response for the same. This puts the body under stress for some time.
8. Normal Physiology: Pregnancy/Lactation.
Pregnancy and lactation also put the body under certain amounts of stress, which is almost inevitable in nature. Please note that before administration of any drugs/medicines during pregnancy and lactation, consult your primary vet. Also, any medications during this period should be done under a veterinarian’s advice only.
9. Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety is a kind of stress response that pets with severe anxiety issues exhibit when separated from their owners, or persons they are deeply bonded with. Signs that may be exhibited are:
- Vocalisation and howling.
- Trembling.
- Refusing food/water.
- Pacing.
- Peeing/pooping inside the house.
- Drooling.
- Destroying wires/furniture, etc., out of anger and frustration.
- Running away from house/garden, trying to escape.
- Hiding away beneath beds and sofas.
- Other odd behavioural modifications.
- Recognise the problem: Notice the subtle behavioural changes that may be exhibited by your pets. Early prognosis helps in higher administration of the problem.
- Eliminate the problem: If you know what the problem is, try to eliminate it. For instance, if a new environment bothers your pet, try to help them acclimatize to the environment slowly. Do not force them into things at random.
- Remember the patterns: Remember how your pet usually reacts to certain stressors. If other community pets stress your dog out, remember their response patterns and try to figure out how they can adjust and adapt to the social dynamics. You may even consider hiring a behavioural or canine behavioural expert to help you out in this matter.
Immunity and vitality are two such factors that not only complement each other but also help build a stronger foundation of health and vigour. Pay attention to –
- The food your pet eats: A balanced diet consisting of proper amounts of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and nutrients helps improve energy and boost immunity. Mineral depletion can result in chronic fatigue and depression, as a result, causes depressed immunity which essentially means vitality is hampered. Zinc, magnesium, Calcium, and Iron are some of the important minerals useful in building vitality. Certain vitamins like B complex along with Vitamin A, D, E, and K are well-known for their role in boosting energy and aiding daily cellular functioning. Certain plants or herbs too are helpful in boosting vitality, for example- Basil [ Hindi – Tulsi ], and Curcumin [ Hindi- Haldi ] have a similarly wide range of health benefits.
- The quality of sleep they get: Sleep or rest is very important as it helps with cognition, concentration, productivity, energy conservation, modulation of immune responses, performance, vigilance, disease, and psychological well-being. Sleep plays an important role in your physical health. Sleep is also involved in the healing and repairing process. It also boosts the Immune System.
- Exercising and physical activities: Exercise plays a huge role in building immunity in your pets. A series of regular exercises enhances immune response. Overexertion or strenuous exercise result in oxidative damage to the cells and will have a backfire effect, increasing the susceptibility to infections. Anything in excess is harmful thus, regular walks, and regular exercise are important. Consistency is the key. Remember Quality of exercise is much more important than the quantity of exercise. It is important to note that, never exercise your pets immediately, or before or after food. as again it will have harmful effects on your pets system. Exercise should always be moderated and done in proper quantities. It should be an enjoyable process for both you and your pets.
Here’s what you can do –
- Daily walks 2-4 times per day to refresh them and give them relief from holding their bladder.
- Playing with balls/toys.
- Running in the backyard.
- Going on hikes or a short jog.
- Toys and play area for puppies and kittens.
Apart from that fore mentioned steps, it is important to consult your vet at timely intervals to ensure that your pet is healthy and in good spirits. Also ensure that your pets’ deworming and vaccination records are all up to date. Grooming and recreational exercises are important as it improves your pets’ quality of life. A homeopathic remedy such as Strezza for pets is an excellent remedy useful in treating Anxiety, Stress, and other associated problems. Symptoms such as scratching, barking, snapping unnecessarily, etc can be due to Anxiety and Stress. Anxiety and stress are expressed in various ways. Keep an eye out for other such subtle changes in body language and behaviour. Another remedy for calming anxiety, and building up vigour and vitality is, Me & My Vitality. This is a special complement for pets experiencing severe lassitude (inactiveness), depression, nervousness, irritability, and different associated symptoms. Remember to be patient and calm with your pets for they do not understand how to effectively channelise their emotions when stressed. Pets tend to mimic the actions of their respective owners. Therefore, your actions and thoughts will directly alter your pets’ actions and thoughts. Let’s build a better world for all creatures, great and small!
STRESSZA for pets is an excellent remedy for treating Anxiety, Stress, and Canine Distemper. When your fur baby is unanimously scratching, barking, hiding behind, feeling anxious, eating nothing, even sometimes behaving wild or attacking unknowingly, etc. these all symptoms may be due to Anxiety and Stress or due to various causes of Canine Distemper. We have the best solution to all your problems, We have STRESSZA is a unique homeopathic veterinary formulation to relieve stress in pets.
Stressza for pets works for Stress due to Traveling, Crackers in Festive Season, Fighting with stray dogs, Home alone, Visiting Hospital for Vaccination, etc.
This is a unique supplement for pets experiencing extreme lassitude (inactiveness), depression, nervousness, irritability, hysterical behavior, night terror, insomnia, and other related symptoms.