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Yeast Infection in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Yeast infections in dogs can develop on their skin or in their ears when there is an abnormal overproduction of the yeast that is normally found on your pet’s skin. Yeast is a natural spore-producing fungus that doesn’t generally cause illness unless there is too much of it.

Yeast infections can also be called Malassezia dermatitis or yeast dermatitis, and they usually occur in a dog’s ears, between its paw pads, or in its skin folds. A yeast infection can make the affected area of your dog’s skin red, itchy, and irritated. Yeast infections in a dog’s ear can lead to deafness if left untreated for a long time.

If your dog is tilting their head, scratching their ears, licking their paws, or has a musty odor, it might have a yeast infection. A yeast infection is common in dogs whose immune systems have been compromised by medications. It can often occur during allergy seasons, especially in dogs who are taking antibiotics or steroids. Antibiotics do not cause this infection, but being on antibiotics for a long period can diminish the dog’s normal flora, which helps to keep yeast under control. Steroids also affect the dog’s immunity, which can result in an overgrowth of yeast.

Clinical signs of yeast infection in dogs:

The most common clinical signs of a yeast infection in dogs are:

  • itching and redness
  • musty odour
  • scales and crusty, flaky skin
  • Thickened skin (‘elephant skin’).
  • hyperpigmentation (darkly pigmented skin)
  • Chronic or recurrent otitis externa or ear infections

Yeast infections in dogs are caused by the following factors:

There are innumerable bacteria and fungi on the skin. Under normal conditions, these organisms do not cause any problems and are controlled by the immune system. If skin conditions change or the immune system is compromised, these bacteria and fungi can cause infection. These types of infections are termed “opportunistic infections.” A yeast skin infection results when the number of yeast organisms on the skin increases.
A common cause of infection is an increase in the amount of oil produced on the skin.
Some dogs’ immune systems are compromised, rendering them incapable of fighting yeast infections, resulting in chronic infection. Dogs that receive immunosuppressive drugs such as corticosteroids may also be incapable of effectively preventing yeast infections so they may develop a chronic yeast infection.
Yeast dermatitis is not contagious, which means your dog did not get this infection from another dog. Opportunistic yeast infections often recur unless the underlying skin condition is controlled.
Some of the puppies may also improve a hypersensitivity to yeast, turning into allergic to an organism they are uncovered to all the time. Those dogs have a severe inflammatory reaction, but only a few yeast cells are present on their skin. They will often have numerous recurrences of yeast dermatitis, some starting shortly after treatment is discontinued.

Yeast infection in a dog’s ear:

In some cases, a yeast infection in dogs is associated with another condition, such as diabetes.

    • Allergies
    • Bacterial infection
    • A ruptured eardrum
    • A tumour or polyp within the ear canal
    • A trapped object

Once the vet has determined that the dog is suffering from a yeast infection in his ears, they might conduct tests to check for other health problems.

Signs of a Yeast Infection in Your Dog’s Ears

Common dog ear yeast infection symptoms:

  • Swelling, sometimes with redness, inside the ears
  • dark brown, waxy discharge
  • very itchy, with constant scratching
  • Drooping ears
  • >odour from the ears
  • Scabs and thinning fur around the ears due to scratching
  • Loss of balance
  • Loss of hearing
  • Walking in circles
  • Unusual eye movements

Causes of yeast infection in the ear of a dog

  • Trapped moisture: Malassezia is lipophilic, meaning it likes fats (lipids). That means dogs with oily skins are more susceptible. Dogs who often swim can be prone to infection because they are often damp in places like their ears, groins, and armpits.
  • Antibiotics and anti-allergy drugs are another big concern. Antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria, which allows yeast to grow out of control. 
  • Heavy metals and environmental toxins can also harm the useful bacteria in a dog’s gut, allowing yeast to grow. Heavy metals and other toxins get into a dog’s body through flea and tick preventatives, cleaning products, food, and water.
  • Immunodeficiency
  • Yeast allergy
  • swimming frequently
  • Feeding your sweet dog snacks
  • Not cleaning a dog’s ears.
  • The anatomical structure of the ear: A dog’s ear canal plunges downward and then towards the head (it is shaped like an “L”). This gives the yeast a favorable environment to grow in. If your dog bathes frequently, trapped water or debris in the ear canal can lead to yeast infections. Allergens like pollen, mold, dust, feathers, cigarette smoke, and certain foods can also lead to ear infections in dogs.
  • A dog’s outer ear extends from the earlobe to the eardrum; infection in this part of the ear is known as otitis externa. An infection in the middle ear (otitis media) develops in association with an outer ear infection. Once the middle ear is infected, this infection can spread to the inner ear, affecting the dog’s sense of balance and position. An inner ear infection can also cause deafness. While it’s still in the outer ear, diagnosing and treating an infection early will help prevent serious middle and internal ear infections.

What Foods Cause Ear Yeast Infection in Dogs?

Food can be influential in stimulating your dog’s yeast ear infection. Foods containing carbohydrates like starches, legumes, and grains can trigger food sensitivities that upset your dog’s microbiome. When the gut flora is not balanced, your dog’s pathogenic bacteria exceed the good bacteria, which encourages the yeast to grow.
High-carbohydrate diets feed yeast when they’re digested and broken down into sugar molecules. That leads yeast to grow in larger colonies in the gut and causes chronic inflammation that can trigger ear yeast infections.
Artificial ingredients like flavourings, preservatives, and synthetic vitamins and minerals can also contribute to a yeasty ear.

Yeast infection treatment in dogs:

A vet will look at the dog’s ear canal with the help of an otoscope to determine if the eardrum is intact or if anything is present in the ear canal that could be the cause of the infection. The doctor will probably also take a sample of material from in and around the ear for examination under the microscope. It is essential to know whether yeast, bacteria, or both cause the infection.
If your dog has a yeast infection of the outer ear canal, the vet might prescribe a topical antifungal cream or ointment. Miconazole and ketoconazole are two antifungal medicines that effectively treat yeast ear infections in dogs.
An infection of the middle ear is treated with systemic medications, which include tablets or injections; after that, several tests and even surgery may be needed. It usually takes up to six weeks for the infection to go away.
A vet might ask for a full cleaning of the dog’s ear canal. Special cleansers and ear-drying solutions can be used if the problem is chronic.

Home Remedies for Dogs to Prevent Yeast Dermatitis and Ear Infections

A vet will look at the dog’s ear canal with the help of an otoscope to determine if the eardrum is intact or if anything is present in the ear canal that could be the cause of the infection. The doctor will probably also take a sample of material from in and around the ear for examination under the microscope. It is essential to know whether yeast, bacteria, or both cause the infection.
If your dog has a yeast infection of the outer ear canal, the vet might prescribe a topical antifungal cream or ointment. Miconazole and ketoconazole are two antifungal medicines that effectively treat yeast ear infections in dogs.
An infection of the middle ear is treated with systemic medications, which include tablets or injections; after that, several tests and even surgery may be needed. It usually takes up to six weeks for the infection to go away.
A vet might ask for a full cleaning of the dog’s ear canal. Special cleansers and ear-drying solutions can be used if the problem is chronic.

Here are some of the home remedies that you can do to begin to get your dog’s yeasty ears under control, such as: 

  • Completely dry your pup after a bath.
  • Cleaning your dog’s ears of dirt regularly with the help of a clean cloth or cotton ball is easy.
  • Feeding your dog a healthy diet full of protein and other nutrients
  • Grooming a dog is a regular hygiene routine that removes dead skin and dirt.

Other things that can be done include:

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Canine Parvovirus: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Parvovirus Infection In Dogs

Canine parvovirus is a highly contagious virus that commonly causes gastrointestinal disease in — young, unvaccinated dogs. Signs include – anorexia, lethargy, vomiting and diarrhea which is often hemorrhagic. Parvovirus comes from Latin word “Parvus” which means small and probably due to this reason this virus is known as parvovirus. Dogs of all age groups may be infected but puppies of 3 months of age are highly susceptible than adults. This virus causes high morbidity (100%) and frequent mortality up to 10% in adult dogs and 91% in pups.

The Respiratory System: Dance Of The Incoming And Outgoing Air.

The respiratory system is important because it helps provide the body with the necessary elements of gases, such as oxygen, which help generate energy and power for the cells. The respiratory system is like a conducting system that conducts the good gas, oxygen, into the body and helps expel the carbon dioxide gas. Carbon dioxide is an excretory product, and this waste product must be efficiently expelled. At the same time, oxygen is transported inside the body, which plays an important role in helping nourish the cells. This system encompasses the nostril, the conducting system- and the lungs.

Although its exact origin is unknown, it is believed to have arisen from FELINE PANLUEKOPENIA VIRUS CPV, which probably arose as a result of two or three genetic mutations in FPV that allowed it to expand its host range to infect dogs. It first emerged in dogs in Europe around 1976. By 1978, the virus had spread unchecked, causing a worldwide epidemic of myocarditis (inflammation of heart muscles) and inflammation of the intestines (gastroenteritis).

Outbreaks of CPV have been reported in many countries, including India. Balu and Thangarajin Madras first said the prevalence study in India. The disease pattern experienced in a population is influenced mainly by the host’s susceptibility, environmental conditions such as housing, hygiene, population density, and the pathogenicity of the infectious agent.

Different strains of canine parvo virus.

Three slightly different canine parvoviruses named CPV-2a, CPV-2b, and CPV-2c are recognized. They cause the same disease, and vaccine gives protection against each. CPV-2B is associated with the most severe disease. A distinct type of parvovirus (CPV-1) has been found in pups with diarrhea in normal dogs. CPV-1 is now believed to be an important cause of disease.

Young (6 weeks to 6 months old) unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated dogs are most susceptible. Although severe clinical disease typically occurs in dogs younger than 6 months of age, adults with insufficient immunity may be affected. CPV-2 is ubiquitous and can survive in the environment for more than a year, enabling exposure of susceptible dogs to infected faeces, vomitus, or fomites. Breeds described at increased risk include-

  • Rottweiler’s
  • Doberman pinschers
  • American Pit Bull Terriers
  • English Springer Spaniels
  • German Shepherds
  • Labrador Retrievers
  • Doberman, Rottweiler, and German shepherd (GS) dogs have been reported to be more susceptible to CPVE than other breeds. Due to inherited immunodeficiency, the exceptional breeds, German Sphered and Doberman, are extra prone than the different breeds. The German shepherd has the highest CPV infection rate (70%), followed by the Doberman (55%).

Assuming sufficient colostrum ingestion, puppies born to a dam with CPV antibodies are protected from infection for the first few weeks of life. However, susceptibility to infection increases as maternally acquired antibodies wane.

Risk Factors

  • Breed predisposition.
  • Possible simultaneous conditions, diseases, or drug therapy that lead to an inability to develop a normal immune response (known as “immunosuppression”), such as heavy parasitism.
  • Incomplete vaccination protocol, vaccine failure, or regular interference of the doggy creates protecting antibodies due to maternal antibodies.
  • Breeding kennels, pounds, shelters, and areas with an excessive quantity of pups besides ample immune response or inadequately vaccinated puppies.


CPV is a small, non-enveloped, single-stranded DNA virus that replicates in the nucleus of dividing cells in the late S phase or early G2 phase of the cell cycle.


Once a dog or puppy is infected, there is an incubation period of 3-7 days before the onset of the first symptoms. CPV wants the assistance of swiftly dividing cells to motivate disease correctly, and the virus commonly starts evolving with the aid of attacking the tonsils or lymph nodes of the throat. Once inside the lymph nodes, the virus typically invades lymphocytes for one or two days, creating copies of itself, then enters the bloodstream. Many of these CPV-infected lymphocytes are ultimately killed, causing a reduction in the number of circulating lymphocytes (lymphopenia).

Once in the bloodstream, the virus again targets rapidly dividing cells, hitting hardest in the bone marrow and the cells lining the wall of the small intestine. In very younger dogs, CPV can also infect the coronary heart, leading to irritation of the coronary heart muscle, terrible characteristics, and arrhythmias.

The virus invades the crypts of lieberkuhn of the small intestine, where new epithelial cells are born and disable the body’s ability to replenish the intestinal surface, rendering it unable to adequately absorb nutrients, prevent fluid loss into the stool or prevent bacteria from moving from the gut into the body. Severe diarrhea and nausea are the initial results. Still, eventually, the intestinal surface can become so damaged that it begins to break down, and the bacteria normally confined to the gut penetrate the intestinal wall and enter the bloodstream.

The virus is shed in the feces of infected dogs within four to five days of exposure, throughout the period of illness, and for up to 10 days after clinical recovery. Infection is received thru direct oral or nasal contact with virus-containing faces or circuitously thru contact with virus-contaminated fomites.

Transmission & Infection risk

Canine parvovirus is unfolded with the aid of direct contact with a contaminated canine or sniffing or ingesting contaminated faces. Infection can also spread through contact with items contaminated with the virus, such as shared bedding, bowls, soil, or even people’s hands or clothing, and in this way, the virus can be passed from one dog to another. Washing hands thoroughly with soap and water will remove the virus. Specific disinfectants want to be used to eliminate parvovirus from the environment, including toys, garb, and cages.

Can people get sick with it? No, contamination with dogs parvovirus has now not been documented in people. However, people can spread it to other dogs if they have the virus on their hands or clothing and then touch other dogs or their environment (e.g., kennel, toys, grooming tools).

Clinical signs:

Clinical signs of parvovirus enteritis generally develop within 5-7 days of infection but can range from 2-14 days. Signs generally include severe vomiting and diarrhea. Diarrhea often has Avery strong smell, may contain a lot of mucus, and may or may not contain blood.

      • Loss of energy, sluggishness (lethargy), lack of appetite (known as “anorexia”), vomiting, and profuse diarrhea with rapid, severe weight loss
      • Rapid heart rate (known as “tachycardia”)
      • Moist tissues of the mouth and eyes (known as “mucous membranes”) may also be faded or deep red due to the blood vessels being crammed with blood (known as being “injected”) or yellowish (known as being “icteric” or “jaundiced”)
      • Dehydration
      • Pain or soreness when the veterinarian feels the stomach (known as “abdominal palpation”)
      • Intestines may be fluid-filled, or rarely, the veterinarian may detect the folding of one segment of the intestine into another segment (known as “intussusception”)
      • May have a fever, or the body temperature may be lower than normal (known as “hypothermia”)
      • May exhibit vomiting/diarrhea in the examination room.

The bacterial translocation from the intestine to systemic circulation can cause fever, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, and septic shock with hypotension and organ failure. Apart from diarrhea, respiratory distress, pulmonary congestion, and edema, alveolar and bronchiolar hemorrhage and convulsions are also occasionally manifested due to hypovolemia, endotoxic, and septicemic shock. The malabsorption of nutrients and inadequate storage of glycogen in muscle and liver result in hypoglycemic encephalopathy, which leads to seizures. On hospital admission, the prognosis is poor in CPVE dogs with intussusception, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, and severe leucopenia.


Canine PVE has clinical similarities with other causes of acute gastrointestinal disturbances, including, though not limited to, canine distemper infection and another viral enteritis, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, enteric bacterial infections such as salmonellosis, acute pancreatitis, hypoadrenocorticism, inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal intussusception, gastrointestinal overseas bodies, and quite a number intoxications. Therefore, clinical diagnosis of PVE necessitates the combination of compatible clinical and clinicopathologic abnormalities along with detecting the viruses in the feces by electron microscopy, virus isolation, fecal antigen tests, or PCR Assays of feces or blood. Fecal antigen assays and PCR assays are used most frequently in clinical practice.


The prognosis with CPV- 2 associated gastrointestinal diseases can be poor. However, with fast and gorgeous supportive care, many domestic dogs will survive.

The survival rate of dogs is 68-92%, and most puppies that survive the first 3-4 days make a complete recovery. It normally takes about one week for domestic dogs to get better from parvo.


No specific drug is available, and the treatment is intended to support the dog’s body systems. The principal components of supportive and symptomatic therapy include: 

  1. Fluid therapy and oncotic support,
  2. Antibiotics
  3. Antiemetic
  4. Nutritional support.

A vast vary of different cure measures, including, although no longer restricted to, antiviral redress and ache administration, have been assessed in the previous or are presently under investigation involving their potential utility in CPVE. Other GI-supportive therapies, like bland diets and probiotics, are often prescribed during recovery.

Possible Complications

  • Generalized bacterial infection (sepsis)
  • Presence of bacterial toxins in the blood (endotoxemia)
  • Shock
  • Intussusception (the folding of one segment of the intestine into another segment)
  • Blood clotting disorder (disseminated intravascular coagulopathy)
  • Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

Expected Course :

  • If the doggy recovers, recuperation is commonly complete; immunity following canines parvovirus contamination is a lengthy-time period and might also be lifelong.
  • Mortality is primarily due to the presence of bacterial toxins in the blood (endotoxemia)
  • Aggressive remedy improves survival. However, mortality prices can also nonetheless strategy 30%

Prevention and control:

The great technique of defending your canine in opposition to CPV contamination is suited to vaccination. It is recommended to be given at 8,12, and 16 weeks of some high-risk situations, veterinarians will give the vaccine at 2 weeks intervals, with an additional booster administered at 18-22 weeks of age. If an approved 3-year parvovirus vaccine were used, the next booster vaccine would be routinely administered in three years.

Pregnant ladies may be boosted with a killed parvovirus vaccine two to 4 weeks earlier than whelping to switch greater degrees of shielding antibodies to the puppies.

The tiny parvovirus is extraordinarily hardy. They are capable of surviving for months outside an animal, even through the winter, and are resistant to most household cleaning products. Infected puppies can shed full-size numbers of viruses, making it challenging to disinfect a place as soon as it has been uncovered to a contaminated dog. These facts highlight the importance of isolating any dog that is infected with CPV from other dogs. Given the truth that most environments (including canine parks, lawns, and even homes) are now not cleaned with disinfecting products regularly, a pup can be uncovered to CPV barring any warning, making vaccine safety all the extra important.

If your domestic and yard have been contaminated via a contaminated dog, there are steps you can take to disinfect them earlier than introducing a new canine or puppy. Despite its relative resistance to cleansing agents, we do understand that CPV can be inactivated through bleach. Cleaning with an answer of phase bleach blended with about 30 components of water is a desirable approach for disinfecting any indoor place (including bedding, food/water bowls, and all surfaces) that once housed an infected dog. There is evidence suggesting that CPV loses some of its ability to infect an animal after one month in an indoor environment.


CPV-2 is one of the huge viral enteropathogens of canines inflicting excessive morbidity and mortality and manifested via vomition and extreme acute hemorrhagic gastroenteritis. Prompt symptomatic remedies will expand the survivability of contaminated domestic dogs; however, vaccination is a nice way to stop the disorder in dogs.

Although the pups are protected through vaccination from the pregnant bitch, it is more vulnerable to CPV-2 infection as maternal antibody titers start declining. Despite the availability of highly sensitive and specific diagnostic approaches and effective prophylactics such as modified live virus and inactivated vaccines, a large number of outbreaks are still reported in wide geographical areas across the globe in both vaccinated and unvaccinated dogs.

Future studies should be taken up towards vaccination failures, the occurrence of CPV-2 in different canine species, and the emergence of antigenic variants of the CPV-2 involved in the outbreaks.


Dr. Anshula


DIAFINE Homeopathic Medicine for Parvovirus, Diarrhoea & Bloody Diarrhoea


DIAFINE DROPS for pets is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA, it is a unique Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine, proven to be effective in treating different types of diarrhea in dogs & cats. Diarrhea of any underlying cause like bacterial, viral, or verminous can be treated by DIAFINE DROPS. Even bloody diarrhea in PARVO viral infection can be improved.
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PENTOFF DROPS is a superb homeopathic formulation exclusively for pets. It is very effective and efficient in improving anorexia in dogs and cats, which could be due to any of the underlying causes like fever, vomiting, diarrhea, deficiency, anemia, anxiety, constipation, liver problems, or any unknown acute or chronic illness, etc.


Me & My DIGESTION Pet Supplement is a unique formula of valuable supplements for Dogs & Cats which help maintain the gut health of your lovable pets. It thus maintains the pH of the gut during gastric disturbances like biliary obstruction, vomiting, dyspepsia, food poisoning, or any other and protects your pet’s health.
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Dermisule – Nourish Your Pet’s Skin and Coat with Our Comprehensive Guide

Bright And Shiny- Coat & Smiles: A Quick Faq Guide On Skin, Skin-Related Problems & Treatment.

Fur here fur there,

Fur flying everywhere,

My pet is itchy and shedding too,

Is it the season or infection blues?

Our pets are often adored for their lustrous coat and healthy skin. Skin is the largest organ and has quite a lot to say. Any ailment or deflection from the norm within the body is directly reflected outside, i.e., on the skin. For instance, in the case of certain ongoing infections in the body, there is fluid loss leading to dehydration. This dehydration can be reflected on the skin, and your veterinarian can subsequently assess the root cause and treat your pet effectively.

Similarly, any deficiencies in minerals or vitamins too can be reflected in the quality of fur. Brittle fur, hair shedding, loss of luster, rough and dry coat, etc., are certain examples of infections/deficiency diseases being reflected directly on the coat and skin. Therefore, it is safe to say that- ‘the body speaks. We need to have open eyes for hearing.’ Is your pet constantly irritated and itches violently? Are there any signs of infections on the skin? Fur loss?

If you have certain such questions, worry not. This FAQ guide has got you covered. Read on to learn more about skin and associated problems that may arise. Through this mini-FAQ guide, let us discover the causes, effects, and treatment of this vicious cycle of skin irritation and derangements.

The Fur Factor:

We, humans, have hair on our bodies, and these hairs have quite a number of purposes to serve. It is one of the defining characteristics of mammals. Hair is a protein filament that grows from follicles found in the dermis [skin]. The major function of hair is to protect the skin[body] from the outside environment as well as serve as an insulating agent. In comparison, we humans have evolved in such a way that we wear clothing to protect and keep ourselves warm. Our pets, on the other hand, have fur instead of hair to serve the same function.

Fur is a variety of thick increase of hair that covers the skin. A different breed of dog has different fur. In fact, the fur type and form of fur depends upon the environment which that breed of dog faces. For example- Indie breed dogs [Mudhol Hound, Rajapalliyam, etc.] have a rather thin fur coat as India is a tropical country and is predominantly hot and humid. On The flip side, Alaskan Malamutes or Huskies, which are native to northern regions of the globe, tend to have thick coats of fur as the atmosphere in Alaska [northern regions] is supremely cold, and thus these dogs require a good amount of insulation and protection against adverse climatic conditions.

Here Are Few Dog Breeds And Their Fur Type:

As mentioned above, the environment plays an important role in moulding the type of fur your furry friend might have. And thus, according to breeds, fur pattern changes. Here are some of the most frequent breeds determined in India and their fur/coat type.

1. Short Fur/Coated Dogs:

These dogs have very short fur coats.

      • Some of the Indie Breeds such the as-Mudhol Hound, Rajapalliyam [Indian Sighthound], Chippiparai, Kanni, Indian Pariah Dogs, and Rampur Greyhound.
      • Foreign Breed dogs such as Chihuahuas, Boston terriers, Dalmatians, French bulldogs, Greyhound, Mastiffs, Boxers, Pugs, Great Danes, Dachshunds, and Beagles.

2. Medium-Coated Dogs:

These dogs have comparatively more fur coats. Breeds such as Corgi, Shepherd dogs, Border collies, Indian Spitz dogs, Cocker Spaniels, Pomeranians, etc.

3. Long-Fur Dogs:

They have a long fur coat and a thicker fur coat.

    • Indie breeds such as Bakharwal Dog [native to Jammu Kashmir Ladakh Union Territories], Gaddi Kutta [GaddiWatchdog] native to northern India, Himalayan Sheepdog, Tibetian Mastiff, Kumaon Mastiff [As these dogs reside in Himalayan areas in the northern part of India, they tend to have a thick coat, long fur to protect them against the chilly atmosphere of Himalayan Areas.]
    • Foreign breed dogs such as –German Shepherd, Siberian husky, Alaskan Malamutes, English Setters, and Lhasa Apso.

The Fur Factor & Problems

While fur is an excellent insulator and protects the body from all odds, it is also an indicator of your dog’s health status. While it does add to the beauty of a dog, it is a good reflective mirror that can give you an idea of an underlying issue. All dogs are beautiful and loving creatures, but due to certain skin conditions and disease processes, your pet might experience fur loss, rough coat, dull colour, loss of luster, etc. At the same time, there are many biological conditions that are at play apart from infectious reasons. Right from nutritional imbalances to hormonal harmony to seasonal shedding changes, let us have a quick look at what exact mechanism works behind keeping our dogs’ fur shiny, healthy, and happy.

Fur: A Mirror Reflection Of Ailments


  1. You may observe your dog is itchy and scratching their bodies against some rough
    1. surface
    2. You may observe fleas and ticks [Fleas are a well-known cause of allergic dermatitis]
    3. Loss of fur is evident
    4. You may observe more shedding of fur than usual
    5. The hair coat is rough to touch
    6. The colour of the fur is dull and has lost its luster
    7. You may observe a pattern of fur loss [ for example, only on a tail region or eye region]


Generally, allergens cause a short-term cough, and even some mild respiratory infections last for a few days. Prolonged coughing needs to be diagnosed thoroughly, as the causative factor could be the heart itself. Thus, proper medical help should be sought out at the earliest to rule out or rule in cardiac complications and cardiac diseases.

Infectious Causes


When there are nutritional imbalances, this problem of fur-skin-related issues can arise. Food that has relatively less amount of protein, poor quality of fats, proteins, and less amount of essential fatty acids can predispose your pet to various skin ailments. Zinc, particularly, is very important in maintaining skin-coat health. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are obtained from fish, are also important in maintaining skin health.


Rough hair coat, old age, patchy loss of fur [symmetrical manner], and rat-tail appearance of the tail are clear indicators of thyroid hormone-related issues. Your veterinarian might suggest thyroid testing, given the age, skin issues, and other concurrent signs observed. While everyone inevitably has to develop old, pores and skin ailments would possibly come into the photo reflective of underlying systemic diseases. Proper diagnosis and treatment are essential for arriving at a good destination of health.


While most dogs shed their fur at least once or twice a year, there is nothing to worry about in case you observe more fur loss than before during shedding season. Occasional shedding occurs when fur becomes damaged, and thus: ‘to allow new fur to grow, the old one has to go!’ Shedding does occur when new fur has to grow. Shedding also depends upon the season, health status, and age stage of life; shedding most frequently occurs during or before the summer season since the atmosphere is extremely hot, whereas even during June-July, there might be increased shedding in response to hot + humid atmosphere. This is a totally natural and normal phenomenon observed in dogs and cats, and thereby you need not worry about the same. However, if you observe any other concurrent health conditions and skin infections, you might need to give your vet a visit to ensure safety, as ‘Prevention is always better than cure.’ Skin infections and issues should not be taken lightly as they might be secondary to some other health issue.


Many types of human foods are forbidden in the dog-cat kingdom, and some people might unknowingly offer these foodstuffs to them, which again does more bad than good. Sweet biscuits or cookies are strictly forbidden and must not be given as they have high sugar content. On the different hand, Indian flatbread, which is made from wheat flour or wheat rotis, should now not be given to puppies as it might also reason gluten hypersensitivity in pets and again aggravate the fur-loss conditions. Your pet might be allergic to many types of feedstuffs, and thus, consult your nearest vet and ask them beforehand which type of feedstuff is OK and which ones are strictly contraindicated.

The Clues And The Puzzle: Diagnosing And Treating Skin Infections

While skin infections are one of the most tedious kinds of infections to cure, apt diagnosis helps in treating the root cause of infection effectively. Here are a couple of steps your veterinarian will take to help your pet out-

1. Skin Scraping tests: through this test, mange-associated mites can be observed under the microscope. Apart from skin scraping tests for mites, using certain dyes can help diagnose fungal or bacterial agents.
History taking:

2. History taking plays an important role in figuring out the root cause of any disease. This also helps in understanding the allergic causes of coat-fur-related problems, if any.

3. Deworming schedule: routine deworming is extremely important to prevent any secondary infections/coat-related problems, etc.

Fleas/Ticks control: fleas and ticks are extremely vicious. They not only affect the external fur coat and skin but also store infectious agents such as tapeworms/tick-fever-associated agents like Babesia/Anaplasma, etc.

Treatment protocol involves a holistic approach. The treatment regime consists of oral medications for allergic itchings, such as anti-histaminic tablets, antibiotics, and the use of certain selenium-zinc supplements. Apart from oral medications, the use of oils, and medicated shampoos, those tailored specifically to certain conditions are prescribed. Homeopathic remedy – Dermisule plays an important role in curing skin infections and associated signs/symptoms. Coupled with Me & My SKIN & COAT Pet Supplement helps heal the skin and hasten the recovery.
While there are many reasons behind hair fall, dry skin, itchy and scaly skin, and rough hair coat, these conditions could be reversed by adopting good sanitation and nutritional practices. My Skin and Coat pet supplement, along with Dermisule, helps in maintaining the quality of fur, regaining and protecting natural skin, and coating after injuries, cracks, scaly eruptions, or any acute skin lesion in pets.

“Helping heal pets, at the earliest.”

Homeopathic Solution For All Skin Issues in Dogs and Cats

Dermisule homeopathic remedy for skin infection in dogs and cats

DERMISULE For All Kinds of Skin Issues in Pets:

DERMISULE for pets is the best remedy for dogs suffering from different skin conditions like eczema, allergies, rashes, lesions with hair loss, redness, dry, scaly, pus, or bloody discharge. Specific or general lesions or spots as in Mange disease can also be improved.
Me & My SKIN & COAT Pet Supplement for skin infection in pets

ME and MY SKIN AND COAT Homeopathic Supplement

Me & My SKIN & COAT Pet Supplement is a peerless medicine for our pet’s skin and coat. It helps reattain natural skin and coat after injuries, chaps, cracks, scaly eruptions, or any acute skin lesion in pets. It is highly recommended to treat hair fall for any reason.
Me & My IMMUNITY Pet Supplement for boosting immunity

ME and MY IMMUNITY Homeopathic Supplement

Me & My IMMUNITY Pet Supplement is a unique formula of valuable supplements for Dogs & Cats which help in maintaining and raising the IMMUNITY of your lovable pets. It is made for weak and old pets as it improves immunity, helps better utilization of food, and allay minor ailments or complaints of non-specific nature. It also gives strength to the body’s mechanism for fighting against germs of all kinds.

GOHEAL SPRAY FOR Injury, FMD, and Burns 

GOHEAL SPRAY is the best Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine for external use only to treat animal wounds caused due to any injury, FMD, burns, etc. It can also be used for mouth ulcers and cuts or burns on sensitive parts of the body. GOHEAL SPRAY works very fast to stop bleeding and start healing immediately.