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Fever in Cattle: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment | Goelvet Pharma

An abnormal rise in body temperature (> 103 °F or > 39 ° C) is termed fever or pyrexia. Abnormalities in the brain or toxic substances in the blood cause it. These toxic substances, known as pyrogens, stimulate the thermoregulatory centre, causing fever.

A temperature-regulating centre located in the hypothalamus at the base of the brain maintains the temperature of the body through a nervous feedback mechanism. There are nerve receptors present on the skin and spinal cord that provide feedback that allows the body to either conserve heat by pilo-erection, produce heat by shivering, or enhance heat loss by sweating or panting. Heat-regulating processes are constantly changing and undergoing modifications to normalise body functions.

Pyrogens are the substances that raise the level of the hypothalamic thermostat. Such substances as proteins, their breakdown products, and lipopolysaccharide toxins secreted by bacteria can act as pyrogens. A few nanograms of pyrogens can cause a fever in cattle.

The body temperature usually takes many hours to reach the new temperature setting when the thermostat is set to a higher value than normal. During this time, there is vasoconstriction to reduce heat loss, so that the skin may appear cold and there may be chills and shivering. All these effects will vanish when the new temperature is set. The body will lower its temperature on the thermostat as soon as substances causing fever are removed. This is accomplished by increased heat loss due to increased blood flow to the skin through vasodilation. This results in sweating.

Various body cells, particularly nerve cells, are destroyed by excessively high temperatures. This is very dangerous because nerve cells have no capacity to regenerate. Nerve cells are irreplaceable. Other body cells are damaged as well. Hyperpyrexia causes localised haemorrhages and cell degeneration throughout the body.

Causes of fever in cattle:

  • High temperature and humidity.
  • Stress or excessive exercise.
  • Physiological conditions like parturition and estrus
  • Infectious diseases are those where there is toxaemia, for example, respiratory diseases, severe mastitis, and other soft tissue infections.
  • Toxic chemicals can cause fever in cattle when they are exposed to them.
  • Immune reactions following vaccination, anaphylaxis, or absorption of breakdown products from necrotic tissues

Symptoms of fever:

  • Moderate temperature elevations up to 41 C may be intermittent or biphasic.
  • Appetite is reduced.
  • There is lethargy and a disinclination to move.
  • The respiratory rate is increased.
  • rapid, weak pulse.
  •  Thirst.
  • gut abnormality such as constipation or diarrhoea.

Diagnosis of fever:

A diagnosis can be made by observing the following:

  •  Clinical signs.
  • complete history of the case.
  • complete blood analysis.

Treatment and Prevention:

  • Identification of the primary disease
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs
  • Pyrexia causes dehydration, so treatment with fluids and electrolytes becomes important.
  • Antibiotics such as oxytetracycline, tylosin, sulfamethazine, trimethoprim, and procaine penicillin can be administered if needed.
  • Good management and husbandry are essential for prevention and control.

Fever of unknown origin

persistently high fever for which the underlying cause is not identified from the case history, physical examination, or initial diagnostic testing. Fever may be caused by infections, inflammations, immune-mediated causes, or neoplastic disease. In most cases, the history and physical examination reveal the cause of the fever, or the fever resolves spontaneously or in response to antimicrobial treatment. However, in some patients, the cause of fever is not readily apparent, and the problem can become persistent or recurrent. Such patients are said to have fever of unknown origin (FUO).

Body temperature regulation in animals

Body temperature in animals is maintained by the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that acts to maintain temperature as close as possible to a normal set point. There are internal and external thermoreceptors, which send signals to the hypothalamus to activate physiologic and behavioural activities that influence heat production, heat loss, and heat gain.

Any increase in body temperature above the normal range is known as hyperthermia. Fever is a regulated hyperthermia in which the heat loss and heat gain mechanisms are adjusted to maintain body temperature at a higher hypothalamic set point. In some cases of hyperthermia, body temperature is increased by abnormal and unregulated heat loss, heat gain, or heat production. The hypothalamic set point is not altered. Depending on severity, these conditions result in body temperatures of 41.1 °C (106°F). However, in cases of fever, most patients will have body temperatures in the range of 39.5°–41.1°C (103°–106°F).

Pyrogens are responsible for the alteration in the hypothalamus thermostat. These pyrogens can stimulate inflammatory cells to release cytokines (endogenous pyrogens). Finally, locally synthesised prostaglandin E2 in the hypothalamus is responsible for increasing the thermostat level, resulting in fever.

How to diagnose a fever of unknown origin

  • History
  • Repeated physical examinations
  • Diagnostic imaging and microbial culture of tissue or fluid samples

There should be repetitions of relevant tests because findings can change over time. One should inform owners about the time and patience required for carrying out such procedures to detect the cause of fever. Advanced diagnostic tests can also be required.

A staged approach can assist with diagnosis.

Stage 1: This includes simple steps and tests that often are repeated or revaluated during the investigation of a FUO case. Most of the tests are readily available, relatively inexpensive, simple to perform, and easy to interpret.

  • Throughout history, including diet, preventives, medications, and supplements, medications that could induce fever should be discontinued. History regarding vaccination, parasite control, exposure to vectors, and travel history should be taken into account. To determine the source of the fever, questions regarding specific clinical signs should be asked.
  • Physical examination: a detailed physical examination including a rectal and ophthalmic examination should be carried out and repeated frequently.
  • Neurological examination
  • CBC accompanied by blood smear evaluation to determine any parasite or other morphological abnormality
  • Serum biochemical analysis

Stage 2: In this stage, the physical examination is repeated, and additional tests are also performed, including the following:

  • Blood culture for bacterial check: Bacteriologic culture of blood is advised in all animals with unexplained fever. Adequately large volumes of blood should be collected under sterile conditions for performing this technique. To increase the sensitivity and specificity of the test, more than one sample for culture should be collected separately in aerobic or anaerobic bottles.
  • Arthrocentesis: an important diagnostic test as infectious polyarthritis commonly occurs in large animals
  • Abdominal ultrasonography to know the causes of fever, such as pancreatitis, peritonitis, abscesses, or neoplasia.
  • Lymph node aspiration
  • Fine needle aspiration of organs, tissues, masses, and effusions is safe and simple. Microbiological and cytological examinations are performed on aspirated fluids.
  • Analysis of body fluids
  • Bacteriologic culture of faeces
  • Long-bone, spinal, and joint radiography
  • Serologic evaluation and molecular diagnostic tests: molecular diagnostic tests such as PCR are carried out to detect nucleic acid, and they should be carried out in laboratories that have quality management programmes and control contamination of the sample.

Stage 3: In the third stage, earlier tests may be repeated, and additional specialised tests are introduced that are most likely chosen on the basis of previous findings. However, they may also be considered when all previous testing has been unrewarding, particularly if there are clinical signs that point towards a specific body system. Examples of testing at this stage include the following:

  • Echocardiography is used to detect endocarditis and is generally recommended in patients who have a heart murmur in the early stages.
  • Radiography: Thoracic or abdominal radiography are done for screening early localization of fever. Depending on initial findings, skeletal radiography or contrast radiography can be carried out.
  • A bone marrow evaluation can be performed on a patient with CBC abnormalities. Bone marrow disease is a cause of FUO in small animals.
  • Bronchoalveolar lavage
  • CSF analysis
  • CT is carried out based on the results of initial diagnostic testing.
  • MRI is useful to evaluate the CNS.
  • Laparoscopy
  • Thoracoscopy
  • Biopsies: when biopsies are done, sufficient samples should be submitted for histopathological examination, culture, and molecular diagnostic testing.
  • Exploratory surgery: in such cases, biopsies should be obtained from several sites

Some of the important diseases causing fever in cattle include:

  1. Bovine ephemeral fever
  2. Bovine babesiosis
  3. Shipping fever

Bovine ephemeral fever, also known as three days sickness, is an acute febrile condition of cattle caused by an arthropod-borne rhabdovirus, the bovine ephemeral fever virus. Infection may be sudden and result in mild to severe clinical signs, including a bi- or poly-phasic fever, ocular and nasal discharge, muscle stiffness, salivation, lameness, recumbency, and anorexia. In lactating cows, milk production falls rapidly. There may be prolonged paralysis and ataxia following an acute infection, although the disease is characterised by rapid recovery within 3 days. Morbidity rates are higher by approximately 100 percent, and mortality rates are less than 1%.

Prevention of the disease becomes very important as illness and viraemia are both for a short duration of time and carriers are not known, so quarantine becomes important. One should place imported animals in an insect-proof area treated with insecticides. The disease does not spread through contact or secretions. Vaccination is the ultimate method of preventing disease in endemic areas. Although in areas where outbreaks are common, vaccination is not necessarily done as herd immunity develops in animals residing in such areas.

Bovine babesiosis is a tick-borne disease of cattle. It is mainly caused by Ixodes ticks. There is significant mortality and morbidity in cattle from this disease. Babesia bovis, B. bigemina, and B. divergens are three different variants that cause this disease. Babesiosis is characterised by fever. Varying degrees of hemolysis and anaemia can also occur.

There may be a sudden onset of anaemia. The resulting clinical signs can include pale mucous membranes. There is an increase in respiratory and heart rates, as well as a decrease in appetite, weakness, milk production, abortions, or decreased fertility in bulls.

When the clinical signs are less acute, jaundice is sometimes apparent. In animals infected with B. bigemina, hemoglobinuria and hemoglobinemia are common. Accumulation of red blood cells (RBCs) in capillaries of the brain occurs in B. bovis, resulting in neurological signs and may cause or contribute to other serious syndromes such as respiratory distress. B. bigemina and B. divergens do not cause neurological signs as there are no changes in RBCs.

However, neurological signs may occur if anaemia results in brain anoxia. Babesiosis caused by B. divergens causes “pipestem” diarrhoea in the early stages. In the late stages of babesiosis, dehydration, constipation, and terminal recumbency may be present. The anaemic crisis generally passes within a week in animals that survive.

The patients may be weak, although they usually recover fully. No clinical signs are observed in infected cattle younger than 9 months of age. In animals infected with B. divergens, they can also report mild illness, with mild fever and anorexia. Signs of babesiosis, including neurological signs, were reported in a few congenitally infected calves. Some calves seem to be infected in utero but asymptomatic at birth.

Shipping fever is also known as bovine respiratory disease complex (BRDC), and it occurs after 4 weeks of weaning calves. Exposure to the infectious agents may result in severe damage to the respiratory tract of calves, leading to secondary bacterial infections. Crowding, inadequate ventilation, and transportation can also cause it. Signs of the bovine respiratory disease complex involve loss of appetite, weight loss, fever between 104 and 108 degrees Fahrenheit, depression, laboured breathing, coughing, and nasal discharge. Chronic pneumonia may occur in some cases.

Treatment can be done with antibiotics specifically designed to treat cattle with pneumonia. Antibiotics most effective against bacteria in lung tissues can be chosen. All of these antibiotics are effective against the organisms that cause BRD. Administration of an anti-inflammatory drug helps reduce fever and lung damage. Fluid therapy can be given to stimulate appetite and correct dehydration. Vitamin B and probiotics are used to stimulate appetite. The diagnosis of BRD is usually made by looking at clinical signs and the patient’s response to treatment.


Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine


  1. Immunity against infections.
  2. Relieves muscular and nervous pain that occurs during fever.
  3. Decreases the severity of fever in emergency conditions.

It works on the homeopathic principle, i.e., “Similia Simillibus Curanter,” which means “like cures like.”

Homeopathic Drug Picture Of The Medicinal Formulation


  1. Immunity against infections.
  2. Relieves muscular and nervous pain that occurs during fever.
  3. Decreases the severity of fever in emergency conditions.

It works on the homeopathic principle, i.e., “Similia Simillibus Curanter,” which means “like cures like.”

Bryonia Alba: (Homeopathic Medicine)

Helpful in relieving adominal pain, acute back spasms, sciatica, colic, cough, fevers with chills, gas accumulation, heartburn, indigestion, headache, flu with body aches and pain, sprains, stress on ligaments, etc.

Aconitum Nepellus: (Homeopathic Medicine)

Aconite is an excellent remedy for sudden illness, aches, colds, coughs, sore throat, flu, chills, and fever.

Rush Tox: (Homeopathic Medicine)

It is used to treat eczema, chills, cold sores, shingles, rashes, and other conditions in which there is dry, scaly, or blistered skin. Some oestrous related problems and abdominal pain can be treated with this remedy.

Baptisia Tinctoria: (Homeopathic Medicine)

The symptoms of low fever, septicemia, malaria symptoms, and extreme prostration can be relieved with this drug.

Belladonna: (Homeopathic Medicine)

Complaints associated with hot, red skin, flushed, congested face, swollen glands, inflammation of the udder, reddened udder, and extremely sensitive to touch can be treated with this.

Note: All the above mentioned symptomatic description of the homeopathic drugs is taken from approved literature of homeopathy with an underlying base from Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of India.


5 ml. three times a day or as directed by the Doctor depending on the severity of the condition.


100 ml. Bottle

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Effective Ways to Increase Cow’s Appetite | Goel Vet Pharma

Cows are the backbone of many agricultural systems, and their health is of utmost importance. A healthy cow is a productive cow, and one of the essential aspects of their health is their appetite. If a cow has a good appetite, it will consume enough feed, leading to a healthy weight, efficient milk production, and overall good health. However, sometimes cows may lose their appetite, leading to a range of problems, such as weight loss, reduced milk production, and even disease. Therefore, it’s vital to maintain and increase cow appetite. In this article, we will explore various ways to increase cow appetite.

Why a good appetite is important

Improved Health: Cows with a good appetite are generally healthier than those with a reduced appetite. A balanced and nutritious diet is essential for a cow’s health, and when they eat well, they have the necessary nutrients to support their immune system and fight off diseases. A good appetite also ensures that cows have enough energy to carry out their daily activities, including grazing and walking.

Increased Milk Production: Cows with a good appetite produce more milk than those with a reduced appetite. A balanced diet, along with adequate water intake, is essential for milk production. Cows that eat well can produce more milk, which translates to higher profits for farmers.

Higher Weight Gain: Cows with a Good Appetite Have a Higher Weight Gain than those with a reduced appetite. It is particularly important for meat-producing cows, as weight gain directly affects their value. When cows eat well, they gain weight, which can lead to higher profits for farmers.

Improved Reproductive Performance: A good appetite can also lead to improved reproductive performance. Cows require adequate nutrition to support their reproductive systems. When they eat well, they have enough energy to support reproductive processes such as heat detection, embryo development, and calving. This can result in higher conception rates, fewer calving problems, and ultimately, more calves.

Reduced Stress: Cows with a good appetite are generally less stressed than those with a reduced appetite. When cows don’t eat enough, they can experience stress, which can negatively affect their overall health and productivity. A good appetite ensures that cows have enough energy to carry out their daily activities without experiencing stress.

Increased Longevity: A good appetite can also lead to increased longevity. Cows that eat well are generally healthier and have fewer health issues than those with reduced appetites. This can translate to a longer lifespan, leading to more productive years for farmers.

How to monitor a cow’s appetite

Visual observation: Farmers can monitor their cow appetites by visually observing their feeding behaviour. They can observe how much feed their cows are consuming, how quickly they eat, and their general behaviour while feeding. This method requires a keen eye and regular observation to ensure accuracy.

Feed intake monitoring: Farmers can measure the amount of feed their cows consume by using a scale or feeder that can measure feed intake. This method allows farmers to accurately measure the amount of feed consumed by each cow, enabling them to identify any changes in their appetite.

Body condition scoring: Body condition scoring involves visually evaluating the cow’s body condition and fat cover. Cows with a good appetite will have a healthy body condition score. This method allows farmers to evaluate their cow’s overall health, which can be an indicator of their appetite.

Milk production monitoring: Milk production is closely related to cow appetite. Farmers can monitor milk production to assess whether their cow’s appetite is sufficient. A decrease in milk production may indicate a reduced appetite.

Feed efficiency: Feed efficiency is a measure of how much feed a cow requires to produces a specific amount of milk. By monitoring feed efficiency, farmers can identify cows with reduced appetite, enabling them to take appropriate measures to address the issue.

Behaviour changes: Cows with reduced appetite may exhibit in behaviour changes such as decreased activity, increased rest time, or reduced interaction with other cows. By observing their cow behaviour, farmers can identify any changes that may indicate a reduced appetite.

Factors that lead to a reduction in cow appetite

Health issues: Health issues such as metabolic disorders, infections, or injuries can lead to a reduction in cow appetite. These health issues can cause discomfort, pain, and inflammation, leading to a lack of interest in food. For example, mastitis, a common infection in dairy cows, can cause pain and inflammation in the udder, leading to a reduction in appetite.

Poor-quality feed: Providing low-quality feed or feed that is contaminated with mould or toxins can lead to a reduction in cow appetite. Poor-quality feed may not contain the necessary nutrients, leading to malnutrition, which can negatively affect appetite.

Environmental factors: Environmental factors such as extreme temperatures, poor ventilation, or overcrowding can lead to a reduction in cow appetite. For example, cows in hot and humid environments may experience heat stress, leading to a lack of interest in food.

Changes in feed: Changes in feed type or feeding routine can also lead to a reduction in cow appetite. Cows may be accustomed to a particular feed type, and sudden changes can lead to a lack of interest in food.

Stress: Stress is a common factor that can lead to a reduction in cow appetite. Stressful events such as transportation, changes in the herd or environment, or handling can cause anxiety and stress, leading to a reduction in appetite.

Overfeeding: Overfeeding can leads to a reduction in cow appetite. When cows are overfed, they may feel full and not want to eat, leading to a reduction in appetite.

Mineral deficiencies: Mineral deficiencies such as magnesium or calcium deficiency can lead to a reduction in cow appetite. These minerals play an essential role in the cow’s metabolism and overall health, and a deficiency can lead to a lack of interest in food.

How to increase a cow’s appetite

Providing high-quality feed

The quality of feed is crucial to maintaining and increasing cow appetite. Cows need a balanced diet of fibre, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure that the feed you provide is of good quality and contains all the necessary nutrients. Cows prefer fresh feed, so it’s advisable to provide fresh hay and silage that are not mouldy, dusty, or contaminated with harmful bacteria.

Ensure an adequate water supply.

Water is essential for a cow’s health, and a lack of it can affect their appetite. It’s essential to provide clean and fresh water to cows regularly. Cows require a lot of water, and their water needs increase with an increase in feed intake. Therefore, it’s essential to have enough water sources available to meet their needs.

Create a comfortable environment.

Cows are sensitive to their environment, and discomfort can affect their appetite. Providing a comfortable environment, including comfortable bedding, good ventilation, and adequate space, can help increase their appetite. A comfortable environment also reduces stress, which can negatively affect a cow’s appetite.

Provide mineral supplements.

Cows require minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus for their health. Providing mineral supplements can increase their appetite and overall health. It’s important to provide mineral supplements in the right quantity and quality to avoid toxicity or deficiencies.

Provide salt licks.

Salt is essential for a cow’s health, and providing salt licks can increase their appetite. Salt licks help to stimulate their thirst, leading to an increase in water intake, which, in turn, increases feed intake. It’s important to provide salt licks in the right quantity and quality to avoid overconsumption.

Feed at regular intervals.

Cows have a natural feeding rhythm, and feeding them at regular intervals can help increase their appetite. Feeding cows at the same time every day helps establish a feeding routine, which can stimulate their appetite. Additionally, feeding cows small amounts of feed several times a day can help to increase their appetite.

Provide variety in their diet.

Cows, like humans, can get bored with a monotonous diet. Providing variety in their diet can help increase their appetite. Introducing new feeds or supplements can stimulate their appetite and encourage them to eat more.

Reduce stress

Stress can affect a cow’s appetite negatively. Cows can experience stress from various factors, including overcrowding, changes in their environment, and handling. Reducing stress can help increase their appetite. Providing a calm and quiet environment, reducing handling, and ensuring adequate space can help reduce stress and increase their appetite.

Monitor their health.

A cow’s health affects their appetite. It’s important to monitor their health regularly to ensure that they are healthy and free from disease. Any underlying health issues can negatively affect their appetite and health. They should be monitored regularly to ensure that they are healthy and free from disease. Any underlying health issues can negatively affect their appetite. A veterinarian can help identify any health issues and recommend appropriate treatment.

Provide adequate exercise.

Exercise is essential for a cow’s health, and it can also help to increase their appetite. Providing adequate exercise, such as allowing them to graze or walk around, can stimulate

Natural ways to maintain a good appetite

Grass and Forages: Grass and forages such as alfalfa, clover, and ryegrass are rich in fibre, protein, and essential nutrients, making them an excellent natural food source for cows. These forages have a high digestibility rate, which enables cows to consume more nutrients, leading to an improved appetite and increased milk production.

Silage: Silage is a fermented food that is made from grass or other forages. It is a natural source of energy, protein, and fibre and can improve a cow’s appetite. Silage also has a high moisture content, which makes it more palatable to cows.

Hay: Hay is another natural food option for cows. It is made from dried grass or legumes and is rich in fibre and essential nutrients. Hay can help improve a cow’s appetite and promote healthy digestion.

Grains: Grains such as corn, barley, and oats can also be included in a cow’s diet to improve their appetite. These grains are high in energy and protein, which can help increase a cow’s feed intake and milk production. However, grains should be fed in moderation and balanced with other natural foods to avoid digestive issues.

Fruits and vegetables, such as apples, carrots, and pumpkins, can also be included in a cow’s diet. These natural foods are rich in fibre and essential nutrients, and their sweetness can make them more palatable to cows, leading to an increased appetite.

Minerals and Supplements: Cows also require essential minerals and supplements, such as calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins, to maintain a healthy appetite. These nutrients can be obtained from natural sources such as seaweed, kelp, and bone meal.

In conclusion, a good cow appetite is crucial for the overall health and productivity of cows. It is characterised by healthy feeding behaviour, adequate feed intake, a healthy body condition, increased milk production, and improved reproductive performance. Farmers can improve their cows’ appetites by providing them with a balanced diet that includes natural foods such as grass, forages, silage, hay, grains, fruits, and vegetables. They should also monitor their cows’ appetite regularly and take appropriate measures to ensure that their cows are consuming an appropriate amount of feed that meets their nutritional needs. By promoting a good cow appetite, farmers can ensure that their cows are healthy, productive, and profitable.

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