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Septic Problem in Cattle

Septic diseases in cattle, like mastitis, metritis, sepsis, and pneumonia, stem from bacterial invasion, causing systemic infections. These conditions often arise from wounds, reproductive issues, or contaminated sources. Maintaining hygiene, promptly managing wounds, and attentive post-calving care are vital preventive measures. Regular veterinary checks and swift treatment upon noticing symptoms are crucial in curbing the spread and severity of these diseases among cattle.
Common causes of septic in Cattle include:
Septic Problem

Wounds and Injuries

Open wounds, cuts, or injuries, if not properly cleaned and treated, can allow bacteria to enter the bloodstream, leading to systemic infections.

Reproductive Tract Infections

Post-calving issues like retained placental membranes or difficult births can lead to uterine infections (metritis), which may result in septicemia if not managed promptly.

Contaminated Sources

Consumption of contaminated feed, water, or exposure to unclean environments can introduce bacteria into the body, causing systemic infections.

Respiratory Infections

Severe cases of respiratory diseases like pneumonia, if left untreated, can progress to septicemia, where bacteria from the lungs enter the bloodstream, causing systemic illness in cattle.

Save your Cow & Buffalo from septic problem In cattle

Tips for Prevention septic disease in Cattle

Maintaining meticulous hygiene, promptly treating wounds, and vigilant post-calving care are key in preventing septic diseases in cattle. Regularly cleaning living areas, ensuring proper wound management, and promptly addressing any signs of reproductive tract issues significantly reduce the risk of systemic infections. Vaccination, biosecurity measures, and regular veterinary check-ups further bolster herd immunity and health, mitigating the likelihood of septic diseases

Symptoms of septic problem in Cattle


Elevated body temperature is a primary indicator of a systemic infection.

Loss of Appetite

Cattle affected by sepsis often show a decreased interest in eating.

Depression and Lethargy

Infected cattle may appear listless, show a lack of energy, and display overall weakness.

Rapid Breathing or Difficulty Breathing

Respiratory distress can occur in severe cases or if the infection originated from a respiratory source.

Discharge or Swelling

Discharge from wounds, swelling in affected areas, or abnormal discharges from the reproductive tract could be evident.

Reduced Milk Production (in dairy cattle)

Mastitis or uterine infections can lead to a drop in milk production.

Other Systemic Signs

These might include dehydration, diarrhea, or changes in the appearance of mucous membranes (gums, eyes) indicating poor health.

Trusted by Veterinarian

“As a veterinarian, I am thrilled to endorse Dr. Goel Vet Pharma’s homeopathic products for our furry friends. Their commitment to advancing homeopathic veterinary medicine is evident in the exceptional quality of their products. The innovative solutions they provide have significantly enhanced our ability to care for our animal patients, ensuring optimal health outcomes. I highly recommend Dr. Goel Vet Pharma’s products to pet parents for their unwavering dedication to the well-being of pet animals and the invaluable support they offer to the veterinarsy community.”

– Dr. Sakshi Sharma ( & A.H. M.V.Sc , NET)

Homeopathy can helps your Cow & Buffalo in septic problem

Benefits of Septigo

  1. All Type of Septic Condition
  2. Treat open wounds
  3. Ear infections
  4. Treats postpartum septic

Treat your Cattle from Septic

SEPTIGO for CATTLE is a very useful homeopathic medicine for large animals to treat open wounds or ear infections, or any other conditions that can lead to sepsis. It is very useful in treating postpartum septic conditions that result due to the non-expulsion of uterine discharges.


GRANULES FOR PETS ( For Indigestion in Pets )

Me & My DIGESTION Pet Supplement is a unique formula of valuable supplements for Dogs & Cats which help maintain the gut health of your lovable pets. It thus maintains the pH of the gut during gastric disturbances like biliary obstruction, vomitions, dyspepsia, food poisoning or any other and protects your pet’s health.








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Use Livomate and Pentoff for your pet

Put your pet on cystigo and Pentoff

For your puppy use Pentoff 10 drops x 3 times a day to increase the appetite”

Deworm your pet with Wormisule and use Pentoff to improve appetite of your pet


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