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What to Do When Your Dog Or Cat Won’t Eat : Anorexia : Homeopathy Remedy

Anorexia is a general loss of appetite or a loss of interest in food. To some people, when they hear the word “anorexia,” the eating disorder “anorexia nervosa” comes to their mind, which is a completely different condition from anorexia. 

 Anorexia nervosa doesn’t cause a loss of appetite. Pets suffering from anorexia nervosa avoid food. At the same time, pets suffering from anorexia (loss of appetite) unintentionally lose interest in food. Loss of appetite is often caused by an underlying medical condition.

Q. How to treat anorexia in dogs?

Anorexia in pets can be treated by following a proper deworming and vaccination schedule, giving a balanced diet, following a routine exercise schedule, giving Immuno boosters like CANASULE No.1 @ 20 drops three times a day and WORMISULE-XP @ 20 drops three times a day, and for preventing ticks and mites infestation on your pet body by use of Me & My Ticks and Flea Shampoo (give bath once in a week)

Q. What should be done if the dog is not eating food but drinking water?

The dog does not eat the food but drinks lots of water, and this condition is observed in cases of chronic kidney disease (dog drinks a lot of water but shows no interest in eating the food), in pain or depression, shift to a new house, change in feed or feeding schedule, or could be any other serious reason, so please consult your veterinary physician and go for further diagnostic tests like serum creatinine ALT, AST, etc. To improve the condition Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine CYSTIGO for PETS-30ml @ 20 drops three times a day can be used.

Q. What is the major difference between anorexia and appetite?

Anorexia is defined as the loss of an appetite for food. Anorexia is commonly associated with various systemic disturbances. True anorexia can be due to depression, weight loss, fever, dyspnea, organomegaly, vomiting, diarrhea, cough, etc.

In appetite is the partial loss of appetite, just the partial loss of eating desire. The Best Available Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine for Anorexia in Pets is PENTAVET for PETS 30ml

Q. What could be the reason behind an old-aged dog not eating and sleeping a lot these days?

Old aged dogs not eating and sleeping a lot could be because of illness and inflammatory conditions like osteoarthritis (pain during walking or standing, so the dog lying on the floor or sleeping all the time is common), chronic kidney disease (stops eating food, vomition, anemia), liver dysfunction (in appetite, ascites, anemia), diabetes (causes weakness and lethargic condition) hypothyroidism (obesity increases and the dog becomes lethargic, sleepy), dental problems (dental tartar causing gingivitis, pain during mastication), behavioral changes, decrease in responsiveness because of senility, etc.

Q. What could be the reasons for the loss of appetite in dogs?

Many causes can affect the appetite of your pet, like improper vaccination, deworming schedule, imbalance in diet, a sudden change in feed or feeding schedule, an infestation of ticks and mites, heavy worm load, hepatic and renal disturbances, diabetes, depression, fever, change in micro-environment of your pet like the introduction of a new pet into the family, moving into the new house, etc.

Q. What could be the reason for my dog not eating or drinking and shaking continuously?

In the case of canines, there are numerous conditions in which a dog’s body gets tremors or shakes and the dog doesn’t eat or drink, like in chronic kidney disease, poisoning (chocolate, nicotine, xylitol -an artificial sweetener found in chewing gums), snake bite that contains a Metaldehyde which can cause severe muscle tremors and convulsions, pets in excitement suffer from muscle tremors when in pain, in nausea, in case of canine distemper, etc., where the Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine STRESSZA for PETS- 30ml (20 drops three times a day) comes into rescue. Even in the case of Generalized Tremor Syndrome or Shaker dog syndrome, hind limb tremors in geriatric dogs, epilepsy, meningitis, etc., Stressza medicine is very useful.

Homeopathic Solution For Anorexia Issues

pentoff homeopathic medicine for anorexia in dogs and cats
PENTOFF DROPS is a superb homeopathic formulation exclusively for pets. It is very effective and efficient in improving anorexia in dogs and cats, which could be due to any of the underlying causes like fever, vomiting, diarrhea, deficiency, anemia, anxiety, constipation, liver problems, or any unknown acute or chronic illness, etc.
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Canine Distemper FAQs

Canine Distemper is one such deadly disease that shouldn’t happen to any pet. In this case, if your dog is affected by Canine Distemper, one must know how to tackle the condition and the effective Homeopathic treatment available to treat it so that one can prevent their pet from the life threat.

Dr. Niraj Rajpoot, Field Veterinarian

What are the symptoms of canine Distemper in dogs?

Symptoms of Canine Distemper in dogs include a high rise in temperature 103 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit (Diphasic fever), dry nose, congested eyes, occulonasal discharge, pneumonia, loss of appetite, vomition, abdominal pain, etc.
Nervous symptoms include restlessness, excitement, chumpy jaw, excessive salivation and convulsions, epilepsy, chorea (jerky movements of a group of muscles), and muscle spasms in lips, cheeks, jaw, head, neck, and limb muscles.
Cutaneous symptoms like hyperkeratinization of footpads make them hard, the dog experiences difficulty in walking on hard objects leading to lameness.

Does an affected dog recover from Distemper?

Recovery from Distemper depends upon your dog’s immune response. Distemper is fatal in almost 50% of the cases. Dogs with weaker immunity and health may not survive. Anti canine distemper serum may be administered as soon as possible to safeguard the life of the patient. Using the Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine STRESSZA 30ml, @ 20 drops three times a day also helps a lot.

How does a dog get affected by Canine Distemper?

Distemper is an infectious viral disease. The transmission of the virus is airborne through droplets of secretions and excretions from an infected dog. A healthy dog picks up the infection through these droplets, and the disease may be indirectly transmitted through the ingestion of contaminated food and water.

How common is Canine Distemper?

The distribution of Canine distemper disease is worldwide, but because of the widespread successful vaccinations, it is much less common than it used to be in the 1970s.
It is still common in areas where the vaccination rate is not so high and where stray dogs have not been cared about. Even in recovered dogs, the virus is still active and can be transmitted to healthy ones. Vaccination is the only best option to prevent canine distemper virus in healthy dogs.
Puppies and old-aged dogs, which are not vaccinated, are easily prone to infection of Distemper. Homeopathic Veterinary medicine CANASULE No. 1 can be very useful to boost the immunity of your pet to fight against this distemper disease.

Can a vaccinated dog be affected with Distemper?

If the immunity and the health status of the dog are very weak or if the vaccination of the dog is not done properly with the exact dose, if the quality of the vaccine is not maintained, or if the vaccination is not done at the correct age, then your dog is posed to the threat of Distemper.

What should we feed a dog affected by Distemper?

We must feed a semi-solid soft or liquid diet to the dog suffering from Distemper. The balance of water, electrolytes, and probiotics in the body should be maintained by feeding curd. If the dog is unable to eat by itself, assist it by manual feeding with a 20 ml syringe. If the dog is suffering from vomiting and diarrhea, then an infusion of fluids is a must with the consultation of the doctor.

What care should be provided to a dog suffering from Distemper?

As soon as possible, isolate the dog from other healthy dogs if you have any. Immediate fluid therapy, B complex infusion, and vitamin C to boost immunity can help a lot. Timely treatment of neurological symptoms is a must.

Provide good care and comfort to your dog. The animal should be free from ecto and endoparasites. For speedy recovery, use Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine Drops STRESSZA 30ml. @ 20 drops two to three times a day for an adult dog.

How long does an affected dog live with Distemper?

In the case of dogs affected with Distemper, fever recurs between an interval of 11 -12 days (biphasic fever). The first phase of fever continues for 96 hrs. So, the dog may suffer from Distemper for a period of 20 -25 days. If the affected dog is once recovered, then it survives for many coming years with some neurological problems like muscular spasms, muscle twitching, etc. If, unfortunately, the dog doesn’t recover, then it may die within 10 – 15 days of the illness period.

Homeopathic Veterinary Medicines STRESSZA 30ml @ 20 drops three times in a day in an adult dog is the best available medicine for better results.

Is Distemper worse than a parvoviral infection?

Distemper is a more serious condition than parvoviral infection. Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis is common in both diseases, but in the case of Distemper, inflammation of the spinal cord, brain, and central nervous system, and inflammation of the respiratory and urinary tract epithelium is more severe. So, the health condition of the dog worsens in distemper disease than parvoviral infection.

Do aged dogs need distemper vaccination?

Yes! Even in aged dogs, distemper vaccination is very much necessary because immunity weakens with the progression of age, which further increases the chances of infection in aged dogs. Using the Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine CANASULE No. 1 30 ml. @ 20 drops three times a day for an adult dog helps a lot with this condition.

What is the viability of the Distemper virus outside the host?

Distemper virus remains viable at 25 0C for 7 to 8 days and at 4 0C for 7 to 8 weeks.

How painful is Distemper to dogs?

Distemper is very painful in dogs. Dogs suffer a lot from the inflammation of the respiratory system, urinary system, and hyperkeratosis, thus known by the name hard pad disease. Difficulty in walking that progresses to lameness is common in these dogs.

Can a dog survive Distemper without treatment?

A dog infected with the Distemper virus is difficult to survive without treatment. All the conditions of hemorrhagic enteritis, and respiratory and urinary tract infections cause serious secondary bacterial infections that can put a dog’s life at stake.

You can give Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine drops STRESSZA 30 ml @ 20 drops three times a day for an adult dog.

What are the different stages of Distemper?

Distemper progresses in two stages:
In the first stage, symptoms include fever, loss of appetite, nasal and ocular discharge, vomiting and diarrhea, difficulty in breathing, pneumonia, hyperkeratosis (hard pad), and inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.
In the second stage, symptoms worsen, affecting the central nervous system and causing convulsions, fits, head tilt, circling movement, increased salivation, partial or complete paralysis, muscle spasms, and at last, death of the dog.

What is the incubation period of Distemper?

The incubation period of Distemper is 1-2 weeks or 7-14 days.

How do you test for Distemper?

We can perform blood tests like CBC. If the test results show lymphopenia, the chance of Distemper is high. Lymphopenia is a special clinical finding in Distemper. For confirmation, you can perform the Rapigen distemper Ag test with an Ag test kit (the specimen can be serum, plasma, or eye mucosa).


Stressza Homeopathic medicine for stress & anxiety in dogs and cats



STRESSZA for pets is an excellent remedy for treating Anxiety, Stress, and Canine Distemper. When your fur baby is unanimously scratching, barking, hiding behind, feeling anxious, eating nothing, even sometimes behaving wild or attacking unknowingly, etc. these all symptoms may be due to Anxiety and Stress or due to various causes of Canine Distemper. We have the best solution to all your problems, We have STRESSZA is a unique homeopathic veterinary formulation to relieve stress in pets.

Stressza for pets works for Stress due to Traveling, Crackers in Festive Season, Fighting with stray dogs, Home alone, Visiting Hospital for Vaccination, etc.


This is a unique supplement for pets experiencing extreme lassitude (inactiveness), depression, nervousness, irritability, hysterical behavior, night terror, insomnia, and other related symptoms.