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Anorexia Problem in Cow and Buffalo

Anorexia in cows and buffaloes can stem from health issues, stress, or environmental changes. Prompt veterinary care and a conducive environment are crucial in addressing and resolving this loss of appetite.
Common causes of Anorexia in Cattle include:

Health Issues

Infections such as indigestion, gastrointestinal problems like ruminal acidosis can lead to reduced appetite.

Metabolic Disorders

Conditions like ketosis, which affects energy metabolism, or issues with the liver can cause anorexia in cattle.


Transportation, sudden changes in diet, overcrowding, or environmental stressors can significantly impact feeding behavior.

Pain or Discomfort

Physical discomfort due to injuries, lameness, or dental problems can deter cattle from eating normally.

Save your Cow & Buffalo from Anorexia issue

Tips for Prevention of anorexia problem in Cattle

To prevent anorexia in cattle, prioritize optimal herd health and consistent feeding practices. Ensure a stress-free environment, maintain feed quality and schedule, and implement gradual dietary changes. Regular health check-ups, prompt treatment, comfortable housing, and access to clean water and balanced nutrition are essential for promoting healthy eating habits in cattle.

Symptoms of Anorexia in Cattle

Reduced Feed Intake

Cattle show a significant decline in their usual consumption of feed or complete refusal to eat.

Weight Loss

Due to decreased intake, affected cattle may exhibit noticeable weight loss over time.


Anorexic cattle might appear weak, lethargic, or less active than usual.

Changes in Feces

This can include alterations in fecal consistency or frequency due to changes in dietary intake.

Decreased Milk Production

Dairy cows experiencing anorexia may demonstrate a decline in milk production.

Behavioral Changes

Agitation, restlessness, or unusual behavior around feed areas may indicate anorexia in cattle.

Trusted by Veterinarians

“As a veterinarian, I am thrilled to endorse Dr. Goel Vet Pharma’s homeopathic products for our furry friends. Their commitment to advancing homeopathic veterinary medicine is evident in the exceptional quality of their products. The innovative solutions they provide have significantly enhanced our ability to care for our animal patients, ensuring optimal health outcomes. I highly recommend Dr. Goel Vet Pharma’s products to pet parents for their unwavering dedication to the well-being of pet animals and the invaluable support they offer to the veterinarsy community.”

– Dr. Sakshi Sharma ( & A.H. M.V.Sc , NET)

Homeopathy can helps your Cow & Buffalo in Anorexia Problems

Benefits of Pentavet

  1. helpful for anorexia
  2. increase appetite
  3. improve liver enzymes
  4. decreases vomiting & nausea
  5. treats diarrhea
  6. Stimulates and enhances appetite
  7. Effectively manages anorexia in pets

Treat your Cattle from Anorexia and related problem with Dr.Goel’s Pentavet

Pentavet faced a challenging scenario with anorexic cows and buffaloes. The causes, ranging from dental issues to digestive problems and environmental stressors, prompted a thorough investigation. With tailored treatment plans, Pentavet addressed these underlying issues, successfully reinstating healthy eating habits in the animals.


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मादा पशुओं में थनैला रोग और होम्योपैथिक पशु चिकित्सा

गोजातीय थनैला रोग शारीरिक आघात या सूक्ष्मजीवों के संक्रमण के कारण उदर ऊतक की लगातार, भड़काऊ प्रतिक्रिया है थनैला रोग, एक संभावित घातक स्तन ग्रंथि संक्रमण, संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका और दुनिया भर में डेयरी मवेशियों में सबसे आम बीमारी है। यह डेयरी उद्योग के लिए सबसे महंगी बीमारी भी है।  थनैला रोग से पीड़ित गायों के दूध में दैहिक कोशिका की संख्या में वृद्धि होती है थनैला रोग की

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Frequently Asked Questions

Use Livomate and Pentoff for your pet

Put your pet on cystigo and Pentoff

For your puppy use Pentoff 10 drops x 3 times a day to increase the appetite”

Deworm your pet with Wormisule and use Pentoff to improve appetite of your pet


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