दूध उत्पादन : दूध के बारे में कुछ रोचक तथ्य
दूध को स्वस्थ मवेशियों को दुहने की प्रक्रिया के माध्यम से प्राप्त कोलोस्ट्रम के अलावा एक लैक्टियल स्राव के रूप
Various strains of papillomavirus are a primary cause, spreading through direct contact or contaminated surfaces.
Younger cattle with developing immune systems or those under stress are more susceptible to contracting warts.
Warts often develop at sites of skin injuries or abrasions, providing an entry point for the virus.
Within a herd, infected cattle can transmit the virus to others through direct contact or shared facilities, contributing to the spread of warts.
Preventing warts in cattle involves vaccination, maintaining cleanliness, and separating infected from healthy animals. Stress reduction, prompt injury treatment, and strict bio-security measures are key. Regular veterinary check-ups and proactive herd health management minimize the risk, ensuring a healthier and resilient herd.
Warts appear as raised, often rough growths on the skin. These growths can range in size from small nodules to larger lumps and might appear individually or in clusters.
Warts are frequently found in areas prone to contact or minor injuries, such as the face, neck, limbs, or around the eyes and mouth. Their appearance can cause discomfort or irritation, especially if they grow in sensitive areas.
They can vary in size and appearance, starting small and gradually enlarging. Sometimes they're small nodules, while in other cases, they can grow larger.
Generally, warts in cattle are benign and don't cause significant health issues. However, they can be bothersome or uncomfortable for the animal, particularly if they grow extensively or in sensitive regions.
“As a veterinarian, I am thrilled to endorse Dr. Goel Vet Pharma’s homeopathic products for our furry friends. Their commitment to advancing homeopathic veterinary medicine is evident in the exceptional quality of their products. The innovative solutions they provide have significantly enhanced our ability to care for our animal patients, ensuring optimal health outcomes. I highly recommend Dr. Goel Vet Pharma’s products to pet parents for their unwavering dedication to the well-being of pet animals and the invaluable support they offer to the veterinarsy community.”
– Dr. Sakshi Sharma (B.V.sc. & A.H. M.V.Sc , NET)
THUJA WARTNIL VET KIT is the best Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine for the removal of Warts on the body of both the small and large animals. Thuja is the best and proven remedy for the removal of warts.
GRANULES FOR PETS ( For Indigestion in Pets )
दूध को स्वस्थ मवेशियों को दुहने की प्रक्रिया के माध्यम से प्राप्त कोलोस्ट्रम के अलावा एक लैक्टियल स्राव के रूप
गोजातीय थनैला रोग शारीरिक आघात या सूक्ष्मजीवों के संक्रमण के कारण उदर ऊतक की लगातार, भड़काऊ प्रतिक्रिया है थनैला रोग, एक संभावित घातक स्तन ग्रंथि संक्रमण, संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका और दुनिया भर में डेयरी मवेशियों में सबसे आम बीमारी है। यह डेयरी उद्योग के लिए सबसे महंगी बीमारी भी है। थनैला रोग से पीड़ित गायों के दूध में दैहिक कोशिका की संख्या में वृद्धि होती है थनैला रोग की
भारत विकासील देश होने के साथ-साथ संस्कृति और सभ्यताओं का देश हैं जिसकी जड़ें आज भी अपनी रीत से जुड़ी
Use Pentoff and Livomate for your pet. His appetite will be back to normal in 2-3 days
Use Livomate and Pentoff for your pet
Livomate and Pentoff 15 drops x 3 times a day
Put your pet on cystigo and Pentoff
Livomate and pentoff.
Use Pentoff for your pet @ 15 drops x 3 times a day
Use Diafine and Pentoff for your pet 15 drops x3 times a day of each
Pentoff @ 15 drops x 3 times a day
For your puppy use Pentoff 10 drops x 3 times a day to increase the appetite”
Deworm your pet with Wormisule and use Pentoff to improve appetite of your pet
Okay so please put your pet on Pentoff and Vommate @15 drops x 3 times a day of each . He will be active and stop vomiting
Okay so please put your pet on Pentoff and Vommate @15 drops x 3 times a day of each . He will be active and stop vomiting
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