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Respiratory disease in Cattle

Respiratory diseases in cattle, like pneumonia and Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD), result in symptoms such as fever, coughing, and nasal discharge. Stress-induced variants like Shipping Fever and infections from viruses such as RSV and PI3 can also affect their breathing. Preventive measures include good ventilation, stress reduction, vaccinations, and prompt veterinary attention for effective management and herd health.
Common causes of Respiratory Disease in Cattle:
Respiratory diseases


Bacterial, viral, or fungal infections such as pneumonia, mastitis, or foot rot can induce fever in cattle.

Heat Stress

Exposure to extreme temperatures or inadequate shelter in hot climates can lead to heat stress, causing a rise in body temperature.

Metabolic Disorders

Conditions like acidosis or ketosis can trigger a fever response in cattle due to metabolic imbalances.

Inflammation or Injury

Any form of inflammation or significant injury, such as deep wounds or abscesses, might result in a fever as the body responds to the trauma.

Save your Cow & Buffalo from Respiratory disease

Tips for Prevention respiratory disease in Cattle

Preventing respiratory diseases in cattle involves optimal living conditions, stress reduction during handling, and strict bio-security. Maintain clean, dry environments, manage overcrowding, and minimize dust exposure. Implement tailored vaccination programs, regular veterinary check-ups, and prompt treatment for early prevention.

Symptoms of Respiratory disease in Cattle


Persistent or frequent coughing, often accompanied by mucus or nasal discharge.

Rapid or Labored Breathing

Noticeable changes in the breathing pattern, such as increased rate, shallow breathing, or difficulty in breathing.

Nasal Discharge

Thick, cloudy, or colored discharge from the nostrils, indicating possible infection.


Elevated body temperature above the normal range (over 102.5°F or 39.2°C).

Reduced Appetite and Weight Loss

Cattle may exhibit a decrease in feed intake, resulting in weight loss or poor body condition.

Lethargy and Weakness

Cattle may appear dull, inactive, or weak, showing less interest in their surroundings or reduced activity levels.

Eye or Facial Swelling

In some cases, respiratory diseases can cause swelling around the eyes or face due to inflammation.

Open-mouth Breathing

Severe cases might lead to open-mouth breathing as the animal struggles to breathe properly.

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– Dr. Sakshi Sharma ( & A.H. M.V.Sc , NET)

Homeopathy can helps in Respiratory disease

Benefits of Hemisept

  1. Supporting Therapy to all respiratory disease
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