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Heating Problem in Cow and Buffalo

In cattle, managing factors like nutrition, health, environment, and breeding practices is crucial for regulating the estrus cycle. Adequate nutrition, stress-free conditions, and proper veterinary care support a regular cycle. Implementing effective breeding programs, including synchronization protocols, helps optimize the natural estrus cycle for successful reproduction in female cattle.
Common causes of Heating problem in Cattle

Nutritional Deficiencies

Inadequate nutrition, particularly deficiencies in minerals and energy, can lead to poor reproductive performance in cattle.

Disease and Infections

Various diseases, such as reproductive tract infections, can impair fertility in both male and female cattle.

Environmental Stress

Factors like extreme weather conditions, improper housing, and transportation stress can disrupt the normal estrus cycle and affect reproductive success.

Genetic Factors

Certain genetic conditions or traits may impact fertility in cattle, contributing to reproductive problems.

Save your Cow & Buffalo from Heating issue

Tips for Prevention of Heating problem in Cattle

To prevent reproductive problems in cattle, focus on balanced nutrition, regular veterinary care, and a low-stress environment. Make informed genetic choices, implement biosecurity measures, and use effective breeding programs. Monitoring body condition and managing environmental factors are key to maintaining optimal reproductive health in the herd. These steps collectively support successful breeding outcomes and overall herd fertility.

Symptoms of Heat problem in Cattle:

Irregular Estrus Cycles

Inconsistent or absent signs of estrus or heat in female cattle.

Reduced Fertility

Difficulty in achieving pregnancies despite mating attempts.

Poor Pregnancy Rates

Higher than expected rates of unsuccessful pregnancies or early embryonic death.

Delayed Puberty

Late onset of sexual maturity in heifers.

Discharge or Abnormal Fluids

Unusual vaginal discharge or fluids that may indicate reproductive tract infections.

Abnormal Estrous Behavior

Uncharacteristic or abnormal behaviors during estrus.

Testicular Abnormalities

In males, issues such as testicular degeneration or abnormalities that affect sperm production.

Suboptimal Semen Quality

Poor sperm quality in males, affecting fertility.

Retained Placenta

Difficulty in expelling the placenta after calving.

Extended Calving Intervals

Longer-than-expected time between calvings.

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– Dr. Sakshi Sharma ( & A.H. M.V.Sc , NET)

Homeopathy can help your Cow & Buffalo in Abortion Problems

Benefits of Hit-o-Gen

  1. Cystic ovary conditions
  2. Physiological anoestrus
  3. Inducing heat in anoestrus
  4. Natural oestrus cycle

Treat your Cattle from Heat problem with Dr. Goel’s HIT-O-GEN

HIT-O-GEN is the Best Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine for regularising the natural oestrus cycle in female animals. HIT-O-GEN, is the best remedy for inducing heat in anoestrus female animals of the species cattle, buffalo, sheep, and goat. HIT-O-GEN gives fast results in the case of physiological anoestrus conditions of the ovary or in cystic ovary conditions.


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