DIASULE for CATTLE is the best Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine for Cattle that protects animals from infectious diarrhea. DIASULE for CATTLE is the best combination of different homeopathic medicines which has proven effective in different types of diarrhea in large animals.
Key Benefits of Homeopathic Pet Medicines:
- The Counter (OTC) homeopathic medicine that works naturally
- No side effects, no drug interactions, no contraindications
- It can be safely used along with other medications
- Drops work instantly when given onto the tongue
Product Quality Assurance:
This unique formulation is brought up by the leading Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine Marketing company Goel Vet Pharma Pvt Ltd. The company is certified under WHO GMP practices highlighting its hygienic manufacturing facilities. All the available formulations had undergone many clinical and field trials thus gaining trust among veterinarians and livestock farmers.
It works on the homeopathic principle, i.e., “Similia Simillibus Curanter,” which means “like cures like.”
Trusted by Veterinarians
Diasule For Cattle is the best homeopathic medicine for the treatment of diarrhoea of any origin among cattle
– Dr. Sakshi (MVSC, Pet Consultant To Gvppl)
5 ml. three times a day or as directed by the Doctor depending on the severity of the condition.
100 ml. Bottle
This Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine specially formulated for Cattle is the safest and side-effect-free medication that stresses the Efficacy and Quality of the product. Some facts about the homeopathic drugs used in this formula are:
Frequent diarrhea, with violent tearing cutting pains in the intestines. Constant diarrhea. Diarrhea is copious, involuntary, and painless. Violent watery diarrhea. Odorless stools, similar to diarrhea after ingestion.
CHINA 200:
Dark, greenish, scybalous stools. Biliary colic. Diarrhoea comes on gradually, stools more and more watery, pale pinkish, with rapid emaciation. Diarrhea: particularly after meals. Mucous discharge from rectum. Tingling in the anus, and discharge of pinworms.
Greenish, slimy discharges, greenish water. Copious stool; scanty stool with dysenteric straining. Watery diarrhea. Mucous diarrhea. Green watery stool, feces, and mucus. “Yellowish brown stool.” Much itching and rawness about the parts. Anus swollen appearance and redness.
Diarrhea. caused by the fresh air of evening. Evacuations that are mucous, bilious, or putrid or acid or of a greenish or brownish color, or reddish, or yellow, like sulfur or a greyish white. Discharges of blood, or of mucus. Prolapsus recti. Evacuation of substances undigested.
A sudden attack of diarrhea, during the heat of Summer. Diarrhea. Painless, early in the morning. Violent diarrhea every night. Chronic diarrhea; stools watery, greenish, like chopped eggs, painless of a very offensive, putrid odor;. Abdomen distended and hard in places. Rumbling in abdomen. Great emaciation. Dysenteric stools at night, with colic and violent tenesmus.
Note: All the above-mentioned symptomatic description of the homeopathic drugs is taken from approved literature of homeopathy with an underlying base from Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of India
Method 1
Mix some jaggery and 5 ml medicine in the drinking water and let the animal drink the mixture directly.
Method 2
Spread 5 ml of medicine on a piece of roti or bread and offer it to the animal to eat so that medicine is consumed along with food.
Method 3
Fill an empty 5 mL syringe (without needle) with the medicine and distilled water and directly spray on the tongue of the animal or into the nostrils gently. Confirm that the medicine is licked by the animal.
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