GRANULES FOR DOGS & CATS (for Cough & Cold in Pets)
Me & My COUGH & COLD Pet Supplement is very useful for pets that show symptoms of catarrhal cough, cold, headache, sneezing with a running nose, inflammation of the mucous membrane, pain in the chest, and bronchitis with or without rattling sound.
Goel Vet Pharma Private Limited has introduced many pet supplements into the market. Their products are manufactured in FSSAI certified manufacturing facilities with utmost care and hygiene, hence are very effective and flexible for use in field conditions too. With the excellent results in the way these pet supplements work, these are being prescribed by many veterinarians all over India and have succeeded in confident use by pet parents too.
Trusted by Veterinarians
Me and my cough and cold granules are the best homeopathic supplements to prevent rhinitis cold and coughing among pets.
– Dr. Dr. Sakshi (MVSC, Pet Consultant To Gvppl)
Pups: up to 10kg: 1 teaspoonful
Adult: above 10kg : 2 teaspoonfulor as per the consultation of a veterinarian
For fast relief & quick absorption of Me & My Pet Supplements make sure that the dose must be given regularly and properly as per schedule or as suggested by the Veterinary Professional. Try the following methods for the administration of granules to your pet.
Do pets catch a cold?
The answer is YES. Dogs do catch a cold, and the symptoms are similar to people catching a cold.
Symptoms of cold in dogs
Running nose, congestion, watery eyes, sore throat, coughing, sneezing, headache, body ache, tiredness, etc.
How to take care of a pet suffering from a cold?
If your dog is showing signs of being affected by a cold, we need to assess the severity of the condition first. Encourage your dog to rest, drink, and eat so his immune system has the build-up resources to fight off the infection. If necessary, wipe your dog’s eyes and nose with a warm, damp cloth to make him feel comfortable.
What is Me& My Cough & Cold Pet Supplement?
Me & My Cough & Cold Pet Supplement is a nutritional supplement for cats and dogs helping them to develop a better immune system to fight common cough and cold infections that are a result of changes in temperature, especially during the rainy season.
Me & My pet supplements are granules that can be used to supplement the diet, such as vitamins and minerals. While many supplements are available in the market over the counter, they may contain ingredients that do not promise side-effect-free supplementation. Whereas, Me & My Pet Supplements are free from contraindications or side effects thus promising the best results.
How is Me& My Cough & Cold Pet Supplement to be given?
Me & My Cough & Cold Pet Supplement is to be given orally in the form of granules dissolved in lukewarm water. It can be given along with food or on an empty stomach but preferably dissolved in water to prevent dietary disturbances. It is safe even when given on an empty stomach without any effect on the stomach lining. It is effective within 5 to 7 days and improvement can be visually appreciated in due course of time for those who supplement their dog timely with patience.
What if I miss giving a course of Me& My Pet Supplement to my pet?
It is not advisable to give two doses at a single time. So, if you remember earlier you can give the dose but if it’s nearer to the next dose, leave the prior one and follow the next dosage schedule.
Are there any side effects?
Me and my pet supplements are prepared from 100 % natural ingredients. They are safe and effective with no known side effects.
Are there any risk factors for this product?
Do not continue using the Me & My Vitality pet supplement if your pets are allergic to it. They are safe to be used with mild caution in pregnant and lactating animals. Not suitable for lactose intolrence paitient.
Granules Contains :
Each 10 gm contains :
Phosphate of Iron 1000mcg
Chloride of Potassium 1000mcg
Phosphate of Magnesium 1000mcg
Chloride of Sodium 1mcg
Sulphate of Sodium 1000mcg
Recommended in :
Dogs suffering from a catarrhal condition of cough, cold, headache, sneezing, running nose, inflammation of the mucous membranes, pain in the chest, bronchitis with or without rattling sound, and other related symptoms.

Step 1
Mix granules in lukewarm water till it dissolve.

Step 2
Pour the water solution in clean water bowl.

Step 3
Let the pet drink.

Muskan Jain –
Once I have brought this for my stray dog whom I named sandy, he was having cough from past 3days and his health going bitter day by day so I saw this medicine on and order this medicine for him and gave him and just a miracle happen after giving “Me & My cough & cold” to him his health was improving alot and after 1month my dog Oreo is sneezing a lot due to allergy and having running nose so I gave this medicine to him too now he is happily roaming around🤭 .. These medicines are amazing and there are no side-effects .. U should try these medicines for your dog If ur dog is suffering and u don’t want to go to vet u can place order for these homeopathic medicines according to ur dog health. They have supplements like calcium,iron etc .They deal in every type of pet shampoos too
Mahima Anand –
Today I received my package of cough and cold, and to be honest in afternoon I gave my dog this and I can se relief in his cold. Thank you so much goel vet pharma.