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Diarrhea problem in Cattle

Diarrhea in cattle, a common issue, arises from various factors like infections, parasites, dietary changes, stress, or calving-related issues in calves. Maintaining hygiene, providing balanced nutrition, clean water, and reducing stressors are essential preventive measures. Prompt veterinary attention and tailored treatments help manage diarrhea, ensuring the overall health and well-being of the cattle.
Common causes of diarrhea in Cattle include:
Diarrhea problem

Infectious Agents

Bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella, or Clostridium perfringens, as well as viruses like Rotavirus or Coronavirus, can cause diarrhea in cattle.


Internal parasites such as roundworms, tapeworms, or coccidia, as well as external parasites like ticks or lice, can lead to diarrhea.

Dietary Factors

Sudden changes in diet, consumption of toxic plants, mycotoxins in feed, or poor-quality or contaminated feed can disrupt the digestive system, causing diarrhea.

Stress and Management Factors

Environmental stressors like transportation, overcrowding, or sudden changes in routine can weaken the immune system, making cattle more susceptible to diarrhea-causing pathogens.

Calving or Nursing

Diarrhea in calves often results from inadequate colostrum intake, infections, or changes in their diet.

Save your Cow & Buffalo from diarrhea in cattle

Tips for Prevention diarrhea disease in Cattle

Preventing diarrhea in cattle involves maintaining cleanliness in their living environment, ensuring a balanced diet, and controlling parasites effectively. Minimizing stressors and providing proper colostrum to newborns are crucial. Regular monitoring for signs of illness and following vaccination schedules help in early detection and prevention. These measures collectively support the overall health of the herd and significantly reduce the likelihood of diarrhea occurrences. Consulting a veterinarian for specific guidance tailored to the herd’s needs enhances these preventive efforts.

Symptoms of diarrhea in Cattle

Loose or Watery Stool

Visible changes in stool consistency, often appearing more fluid than usual.

Increased Defecation Frequency

Cattle might defecate more frequently than normal.


Signs of dehydration like sunken eyes, dry muzzle, or decreased skin elasticity.

Weakness and Lethargy

Reduced energy levels and overall weakness in affected animals.

Loss of Appetite

Cattle might show a decreased interest in eating or refuse to eat altogether.

Weight Loss

Diarrhea can lead to rapid weight loss in cattle.

Trusted by Veterinarians

“As a veterinarian, I am thrilled to endorse Dr. Goel Vet Pharma’s homeopathic products for our furry friends. Their commitment to advancing homeopathic veterinary medicine is evident in the exceptional quality of their products. The innovative solutions they provide have significantly enhanced our ability to care for our animal patients, ensuring optimal health outcomes. I highly recommend Dr. Goel Vet Pharma’s products to pet parents for their unwavering dedication to the well-being of pet animals and the invaluable support they offer to the veterinary community.”

– Dr. Sakshi Sharma ( & A.H. M.V.Sc , NET)

Homeopathy can help your Cow & Buffalo in treating diarrhea

Benefits of Diasule In cattle

  1. All sorts of Diarrhea
  2. Protects animals from infectious diarrhea
  3. Violent watery diarrhea
  4. Odorless stools
  5. It helps in putrid diarrhea
  6. Its help in worminious diarrhea
  7. It help in diarrhea of long standing not responding treatment

Treat your Cattle from Diarrhea

DIASULE for CATTLE is the best Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine for Cattle that protects animals from infectious diarrhea. DIASULE for CATTLE is the best combination of different homeopathic medicines which has proven effective in different types of diarrhea in large animals.


GRANULES FOR PETS ( For Indigestion in Pets )

Me & My DIGESTION Pet Supplement is a unique formula of valuable supplements for Dogs & Cats which help maintain the gut health of your lovable pets. It thus maintains the pH of the gut during gastric disturbances like biliary obstruction, vomitions, dyspepsia, food poisoning or any other and protects your pet’s health.








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Frequently Asked Questions

Use Livomate and Pentoff for your pet

Put your pet on cystigo and Pentoff

For your puppy use Pentoff 10 drops x 3 times a day to increase the appetite”

Deworm your pet with Wormisule and use Pentoff to improve appetite of your pet


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