Wheez Go + Me & My Cough & Cold (Combo)
Pets with cough, cold, and flu-like symptoms can find a complete homeopathic remedy with the WHEEZ-GO and Me & My COUGH & COLD Supplement combo. WHEEZ-GO addresses respiratory problems and discomfort, while the Me & My Supplement boosts immunity and eases bronchitis, colds, and sneezing.
Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine
Coughing is a natural response by the body to any irritation or abnormality of the airway. All Pets will naturally cough from time to time. A persistent cough however can be a symptom of a more serious underlying illness or medical condition. Pets are social creatures that naturally sniff and slurp. This is why bacteria and viruses –including a canine form of the flu — quickly spread from dog to dog. Germs also can land on Doors, furniture, food bowls, toys, and other surfaces where the next dog to come along picks them up. The discomfort of the dog and the helplessness of the pet owners can be addressed with WHEEZ-GO for PET, a Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine to treat Cough & Flu-related symptoms for any reason.
Benefits of Wheez-go
- Reduce pain in the chest
- Manage cough & cold issue
- Control sneezing & wheezing .
- Helpful in kennel cough problem
Me & My Cough & Cold
Granules For Dogs & Cats (for Cough & Cold in Pets)
Me & My COUGH & COLD Pet Supplement is very useful for pets that show symptoms of catarrhal cough, cold, headache, sneezing with a running nose, inflammation of the mucous membrane, pain in the chest, and bronchitis with or without rattling sound.
Goel Vet Pharma Private Limited has introduced many pet supplements into the market. Their products are manufactured in FSSAI certified manufacturing facilities with utmost care and hygiene, hence are very effective and flexible for use in field conditions too. With the excellent results in the way these pet supplements work, these are being prescribed by many veterinarians all over India and have succeeded in confident use by pet parents too.
Key Benefits of Homeopathic Pet Medicines:
- The Counter (OTC) homeopathic medicine that works naturally
- No side effects, no drug interactions, no contraindications
- It can be safely used along with other medications
- Drops work instantly when given onto the tongue
Product Quality Assurance:
This unique formulation was brought up by the leading Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine producing company Goel Vet Pharma Pvt Ltd. The company is ISO 9001:2015 certified and Manufacturing is certified under WHO GMP practices which highlight its hygienic manufacturing facilities. All the available formulations had undergone many clinical and field trials thus gaining trust among many veterinarians and pet parents.
Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine
WHEEZ-GO for PET, A Unique formulation for respiratory disorders in pets. It is based on homeopathic principles, ie. ” Similia similibus curanter” Likes to be treated by likes; hence one could easily understand that the following symptom of different medicine, when available in a case, can be cured by these medicines. This formulation was developed by a renowned veterinarian in India after long consultations with homeopaths and trials of different medicine in field conditions for years.
Homeopathic Drugs Used In The Formulation
Quality, efficacy, and safety are the utmost priorities of WHEEZ-GO formulation. Cost-effective health care with no contraindications or side effects are the added benefits of using a homeopathic remedy. Facts about the homeopathic medicines used in this formulation:
Bryonia Alba 30c: (Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine)
Mucous membranes are all dry. Discharges are scanty and adherent. Dryness everywhere, of mouth, throat, etc., dry hacking painful coughs in pleurisy, pneumonia. Cough dry, hard, very painful, at night as if from the stomach. Cough with sneezing. Coming into the warm room excites cough. Very painful coughs must hold the chest. Nausea excites cough, and coughing often excites vomiting. Cough with sharp pains in the sides of the chest. Whooping cough. Coughs, worse motion, talking and laughing. Painful coughs with bronchitis, pleurisy, and pneumonia.
Natrum Sulphuricum 30c: (Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine)
Cough with thick, ropy, greenish, copious expectoration. Cough with purulent sputum and pain about the last ribs left side. Must hold chest when coughing. Loose cough from tickling in throat, better sitting. Dry cough with roughness in throat, the worse morning after rising, worse night. Soreness of chest when coughing, better pressure. Pain through the lower left chest. Stitches in left side chest.
Antimonium Tartaricum 30c: (Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine)
The rattling of mucus with little expectoration. Great accumulation of mucus with coarse rattling, impeded respiration and labored heart action, and defective oxygenation in the circulation of blood. Rattling of mucus in the chest when breathing. Burning sensation in the chest, which ascends to the throat. Gasping for air before every attack of cough. Coarse, loose, rattling cough. Cough followed by vomiting. Lungs seem full of mucus, yet less and less is raised. Must sit up to breathe or cough.
Ferrum Phosphoricum 30c: (Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine)
Short, painful, tickling cough. Hard, dry cough with a sore chest. Cough worse at night, with much rattling of mucus in chest. Hacking, tormenting, spasmodic cough, worse morning and evening. Paroxysmal cough, mostly at night or during the day when asleep. Whooping cough with retching and vomiting.
Kali Sulphuricum 30c: (Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine)
The rattling of mucus in the lungs. Post-infuenza cough, especially in pups and kittens. Cough, worse in the evening and in a hot atmosphere. Croupy cough. Pneumonia with wheezing. Yellow, loose, rattling mucus is coughed up with difficulty. Sputum consists of watery matter. Whooping cough. Bronchial asthma with yellow expectoration.
Arsenicum Album 30c: (Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine)
Cough with great exhaustion, collapse, anemia, and nervous irritability. Dry cough alternating with loose. Cough dry at night, better sitting up, worse drinking. Cough dry, as from sulphur fumes. Cough after drinking. Cough excited by smoking. Coughing spells are preceded by great anxiety and restlessness. Cough with bloody sputum. Deep, dry, unceasing cough.
Kali Muriaticum 30c: (Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine)
Loud, noisy stomach cough. Cough short, acute, and spasmodic. Whooping cough. Sputum is thick and white. Violent cough during coryza. White or gray coating of the base of the tongue, and expectoration of thick, white phlegm, seem to be special guiding symptoms. The rattling sound of air passing through thick, tenacious mucus in the bronchi, difficult to cough up.
Dosage: 20 drops three times a day or as directed by the doctor.
Packing: 30 ml.
Contraindication: No known contraindication.
Know more about supplements
Me & My Cough & Cold
Do pets catch a cold?
The answer is YES. Dogs do catch a cold, and the symptoms are similar to people catching a cold.
Symptoms of cold in dogs
Running nose, congestion, watery eyes, sore throat, coughing, sneezing, headache, body ache, tiredness, etc.
How to take care of a pet suffering from a cold?
If your dog is showing signs of being affected by a cold, we need to assess the severity of the condition first. Encourage your dog to rest, drink, and eat so his immune system has the build-up resources to fight off the infection. If necessary, wipe your dog’s eyes and nose with a warm, damp cloth to make him feel comfortable.
What is Me& My Cough & Cold Pet Supplement?
Me & My Cough & Cold Pet Supplement is a nutritional supplement for cats and dogs helping them to develop a better immune system to fight common cough and cold infections that are a result of changes in temperature, especially during the rainy season.
Me & My pet supplements are granules that can be used to supplement the diet, such as vitamins and minerals. While many supplements are available in the market over the counter, they may contain ingredients that do not promise side-effect-free supplementation. Whereas, Me & My Pet Supplements are free from contraindications or side effects thus promising the best results.
How is Me& My Cough & Cold Pet Supplement to be given?
Me & My Cough & Cold Pet Supplement is to be given orally in the form of granules dissolved in lukewarm water. It can be given along with food or on an empty stomach but preferably dissolved in water to prevent dietary disturbances. It is safe even when given on an empty stomach without any effect on the stomach lining. It is effective within 5 to 7 days and improvement can be visually appreciated in due course of time for those who supplement their dog timely with patience.
What if I miss giving a course of Me& My Pet Supplement to my pet?
It is not advisable to give two doses at a single time. So, if you remember earlier you can give the dose but if it’s nearer to the next dose, leave the prior one and follow the next dosage schedule.
Are there any side effects?
Me and my pet supplements are prepared from 100 % natural ingredients. They are safe and effective with no known side effects.
Are there any risk factors for this product?
Do not continue using the Me & My Vitality pet supplement if your pets are allergic to it. They are safe to be used with mild caution in pregnant and lactating animals. Not suitable for lactose intolrence paitient.
Granules For Pets
Granules Contains :
Each 10 gm contains :
Phosphate of Iron 1000mcg
Chloride of Potassium 1000mcg
Phosphate of Magnesium 1000mcg
Chloride of Sodium 1mcg
Sulphate of Sodium 1000mcg
Recommended in :
Dogs suffering from a catarrhal condition of cough, cold, headache, sneezing, running nose, inflammation of the mucous membranes, pain in the chest, bronchitis with or without rattling sound, and other related symptoms.
Dosage & Course
For Pups & Kittens: 5-10 DROPS TDS
For Cats: 10-15 DROPS OF TDS
For Dogs (Small Breed): 15-20 DROPS OF TDS
For Dogs (Large Breed): 20-25 DROPS OF TDS
Or As Directed By A Veterinarian
To Be Given For 10-15 Days Or
As Per The Severity Of The Conditions
You May Repeat The Course If Required.
Recommended Quantity
Pups: up to 10kg: 1 teaspoonful
Adult: above 10kg : 2 teaspoonfulor as per the consultation of a veterinarian
For fast relief & quick absorption of Me & My Pet Supplements make sure that the dose must be given regularly and properly as per schedule or as suggested by the Veterinary Professional. Try the following methods for the administration of granules to your pet.
Trusted by Veterinarians
Me and my cough and cold granules are the best homeopathic supplements to prevent rhinitis cold and coughing among pets. –: Dr. Dr. Sakshi (MVSC, Pet Consultant To Gvppl)
How to give WHEEZ-GO
How to give Me & My COUGH & COLD