Protect Your Pets From Worms, It’s Easy With Side-Effect-Free Medication
No pet parent likes to think of their dog having worms, but there’s almost nothing unusual about it – in fact, your puppy or dog has probably had them at some point in their lives.
Most puppies are actually born with worms, which are contracted from their mother’s milk like Toxocara, while other dog worms are obtained from fleas and flies or the environment. If your puppy or dog has worms and the treatment is followed speedily, there’s no need for your dog’s health to be compromised at all.
Dr. Sakshi Sharma, MVSc, J&K
Different kinds of worms your dog may have
There are hundreds of kinds of worms that your dog could have, but some are more common than others. They all can have different kinds of symptoms. The best way for them is to look out for anything particularly unusual – especially in your dog’s feces – in case of worms are involved. The different kinds of worms, in general, can be:
Heartworms etc.
How can your dog get these worms?
Puppies are infected with roundworms (Toxocaraspp and Toxascarisspp) from their mother’s milk.
This is why it is important to worm expectant and nursing mothers with a safe, licensed veterinary product.
Dogs can also be infected by eating contaminated rodents or soil.
Roundworms in dogs can be identified as long noodles-like shapes in the faeces or, in severe cases, in vomit.

Symptoms of worms in dogs
It’s not always easy to detect dog worms with your eyes, so don’t worry if you get it wrong – if you’re unsure about worms in your dog, or you don’t know what kind they are, consultation with a veterinarian can help solve this problem. Regular vet checkups will give your vet a chance to spot any potential dog health problems and help resolve them before they become serious. In any case, your vet should be consulted before you try to formulate any treatment yourself, just in case there’s a different problem at hand.
So the common symptoms to know if your dog has got worms are:
- Dog worms in your pet’s faeces, vomit, or around their anus.
- Weakness and depression.
- Rubbing their bottom on the floor.
- Diarrhea or vomiting.
- Weight loss despite a good appetite.
- An abnormally swollen stomach.
- Severe vomiting, loss of appetite, and depression might be a result of a large burden causing a blockage of the intestine (which is usually seen in puppies).
- Coughing and bleeding problems, among various other signs, may suggest Lungworm.

Prevention and control of worms in dogs
Your puppy should already be worm-free if they’ve come from a reputable breeder or rescue center, as it will have been dewormed before being handed over to you. Keep the records of the deworming treatment, and ask your vet how to continue the schedule. If you keep track of your pet’s deworming treatment and keep checking for symptoms, their chances of suffering through ill health because of worms are greatly reduced.
It’s not just puppies that suffer from the worms, but the adult dogs need worming too, as they might pick infections during their outdoor activities. Ask the vet to supply a dewormer and provide you with more information on the symptoms of worms in dogs. They can also tell you how frequently your dog would benefit from worming, so you can get a proper record.
Sometimes, stool sampling can be recommended for the proper identification of the worms involved. In this case, the stool samples are observed under the microscope to identify the type of eggs.
Dog worms and humans
Sometimes, dog worms can be transmitted to humans or spread dog-to-dog via faeces. Because of this, it is always a good idea to dispose of stools when your dog goes to the toilet outside. This will help to prevent re-infestation and will protect his playmates as well. There are a number of other parasites to look for which are present on your dog’s body, including fleas, mites, and ticks.
Although it’s alluring for them, try not to let your dog eat slugs and snails. Human infection is uncommon, but always use proper hygiene measures, such as making sure children wash their hands after playing with your pet just to be safe.
Generally, worms in dogs are not a serious concern. As long as you detect them and treat them in good time, your dog will be as happy as ever!

Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine
WORMISULE XP is the best and unique Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine Formulation for the expulsion of all kinds of worms. WORMISULE XP is the best Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine for Deworming Dogs and Cats of all ages and breeds.
It works on the homeopathic principle, i.e., “Similia SimillibusCuranter,” which means “like cures like.” Hence, such formulations that cause symptoms like a diseased animal in a healthy one are used to prepare this wonder drug formula for deworming pets. It is a formulation that was developed by a renowned Indian veterinarian after consulting many homeopaths and conducting advanced field trials over the years with continuous supervision and training.

WORMISULE XP is the best and unique Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine Formulation for the expulsion of all kinds of worms. WORMISULE XP is the best Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine for Deworming Dogs and Cats of all ages and breeds.

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