The gurgles of indigestion and inappetence are probably one of the worst duos a pet parent may ever encounter. Indigestion is something, which may look not so scary but is equally intimidating for any pet parent as it is unusual for us to see our pets’ not at- at-their-best. Diarrhoea, well, that is one of the forerunners in the marathon of signs and symptoms for any disease. In today’s Blog, let us uncover some myths, some facts, some interesting lesser-known things, and some FAQs regarding indigestion and diarrhoea.
What Is Diarrhoea?
Diarrhoea is defined as the frequent passing of loose, watery and unformed faeces. The normal texture of faeces is brownish with a firm consistency, and any deviation from the standard form with a recurrent tendency can be termed diarrhoea. Diarrhoea in itself is not a disease but is simply an indicator of some ongoing disease process. Let’s put it this way, diarrhoea is not the bigger problem as is treating the underlying issue. Once the underlying health issue is taken care of diarrhoea ceases. It is manifested in the form of loose, unformed, malodorous, watery faeces having abnormal colour. Diarrhoea is almost always the sequel to underlying enteritis. However, there are some other reasons for diarrhoea to manifest itself. Here are a few of the reasons behind diarrhoea:
- Stress & Strain: Some pets, when under excessive stress, may end up falling sick. The exact reason behind this is yet to be discovered; however, it can be attributed to the fact that stress rapidly causes the decline of immunity. Whenever immunity is low or below a certain threshold level, there is a good enough opportunity for secondary bacterial invaders or pathogens to invade and start colonizing thereby, causing diarrhoea.

- Food Allergies & Intolerance: Food allergies are rather common in dogs and cats. In fact, did you know, most of our pets are lactose intolerant? Lactose Intolerance is a condition where they cannot effectively digest lactose sugar, which is present in milk. As a result, there is diarrhoea, which is usually limited to post-intake of suspected intolerant food and usually ceases after withdrawal from milk. Similarly, some pets may have a food intolerance and allergies to various kinds of foodstuffs. Some pets are intolerant towards certain types of packaged food, which triggers diarrhoea that ceases post-withdrawal of the offending food.

- Emotional Causes: Emotional triggers such as nervous excitement, anxiety, separation anxiety, fear of an unaccustomed environment, agony, or unwanted stress and strain may trigger diarrhoeal episodes.
- Neoplasm induced enteritis: Some diarrhoeal episodes may be triggered due to neoplasia or cancer process in the intestines. This may be confused with inflammatory bowel disease however; the difference is that, the former is related to cancerous processes. lymphosarcoma is the top contender for commonly encountered neoplasm associated with diarrhoea. Other neoplasms such as leiomyomas and leiomyosarcoma may also trigger diarrhoea.
- Auto- Immune Reasons: Auto-immunity is a phenomenon where the immune system of the body attacks its own-cells/tissues due to some cellular/systemic disturbances. Lymphocytic-Plasmacytic enteritis may be evident in such cases of autoimmunity, which is usually characterized by hypo-globulinemia and diarrhoea.
- Intestinal Motility: Diarrhoea may occur due to rapid movement of the intestine or hyper-peristalsis. There is a fixed pattern in which the intestines contract which helps carry the food items ahead in the alimentary tract. This fixed pattern or rhythmic contractions is termed peristalsis or peristaltic movements. Excessive movement is termed hyper-peristalsis which causes Diarrhoea or semi-solid/ Liquid faeces. On the flip side, constipation is attributed to hypo-peristalsis or slower movements of the intestines. There must be fine balance or homeostasis of the system to ensure there are no diarrhoea or constipation episodes.
- Infection: Diarrhoea is manifested when some infectious agents attack the digestive system. In a real sense, our gut or intestines are filled with good bacteria which help our body digest better via a process of symbiosis. They help in immunity building as well. However, infections arise whenever there is a decline in the number of good bacterial colonies or there is a rise in pathogenic bacteria. These pathogenic bacteria make their way into the system mostly via the feco-oral route. In case, your pet eats or drinks contaminated food or water, there is always a possibility for them to have a diarrhoeal episode following entry of a foreign pathogen. These pathogens, or bad-bacteria as we may call them, are responsible for colonizing the intestinal cells, sloughing the intestinal membrane wall, etc.
- Specific causes: Parvovirus infection in puppies is known to cause haemorrhagic gastro-enteritis, which is characterized by diarrhoea that has a peculiar smell and a red-brown tinge. Viral enteritis is very commonly observed in all species. However, bacterial causes for diarrhoea somewhat still stand out. For instance, E.coli and salmonella are notorious for causing enteritis, commonly referred to as food poisoning. Hence, always ensure, your pets do not get access to dumpsters, waste products, stale food, etc. which may have the potential to cause infection.
- Parasites: Parasites are small creatures that feed off their host as they derive nutrition and protection from their particular hosts. Parasitism is a condition wherein there is an excessive parasite load in the body, which can be potentially life-threatening. In cases of young puppies and kittens, parasitism such as tapeworm infection is very common.
Signs and symptoms observed are- listlessness, anorexia, dullness, the pot-bellied appearance of the abdomen, and loose unformed faeces, in spite of having a good diet; the puppy still appears to be weak. You may occasionally observe proglottids of tapeworm in your dog’s faeces which resemble cucumber seeds.
Diagnosing Diarrhoea: What Are The Various Reasons Behind Diarrhoeal Episodes?
Diarrhoea is not a disease process but is a symptom. There can be many reasons behind the diarrhoeal episode. As mentioned above, diarrhoea could be due to something as simple as indigestion to something as complicated as inflammatory bowel disease. Establishing the exact reason behind diarrhoea helps us to treat the main cause behind this and re-establish good gut flora, thereby promoting healthy bowel movements and good gut health. In order to conclude the causative factor, your Vet may suggest a few tests such as-
- ROUTINE BLOOD TEST: Routine blood tests help to rule out or rule out many different kinds of disease processes. Basic Blood picture, i.e. complete blood count along with Liver Function Tests and Kidney Function Tests helps to pinpoint whether or not the disease entity lies in the blood (such as haemoprotozoan diseases) Liver or Kidneys (inflammation or toxicity conditions)
- USG: USG is an important tool, which helps in the imaging of intestines and better imaging of internal organs. It helps to locate any ulcers, and any changes in the texture, shape, contour, and outline of organs. Through USG, internal organs such as kidneys, intestines, etc can be effectively checked for any lesions.
- RADIOGRAPHY: In cases of ingestion of a foreign body, to check or to locate it, radiography can be an effective tool. Mostly, there is vomiting in case of foreign body obstruction.
- BIOPSY: For any unknown lesions, intestinal biopsy, or biopsy of mass (in cases of cancer) becomes an important tool to diagnose the particular condition. For Lymphosarcoma, surgery (if it is an option) along with chemotherapy (+/-) becomes an effective tool to control the disease progression.
- FAECAL SAMPLE: Faecal Sample testing is a standard routine protocol for figuring out the cause of diarrhoeal episodes. Faecal samples are tested for the presence of blood, epithelial cells, protozoan cells, eggs of parasites, or proglottids of tapeworms, etc. This test is routinely carried out to narrow down the differentials, which helps in diagnosing better and rather more effectively.
Management & Therapeutics: Way Forward.
Diarrhoea should always be approached as a symptom rather than an entity of the disease itself. There are ‘N’ a number of triggers that may eventually spiral down to diarrhoea. The treatment protocol should be holistic and must cater to individual needs.For instance, diarrhoea due to parasitism is handled and treated with drugs that work against those individual parasites, and diarrhoea then ceases to be. On the other side, diarrhoea due to infections and inflammatory processes is rather difficult to handle and may require some other form of treatment therapy along with supportive care and management. Every individual is different, and so, treatment protocol greatly varies from patient to patient. Usually, the therapeutic protocol involves fluid therapy to restore the fluid imbalance, antibiotics to prevent secondary bacterial infections, specific antibiotics for certain gastro-intestinal infections such as metronidazole, Ceftriaxone and Tazobactam, etc. other drugs such as motility drugs, etc can be tried. Supportive therapy involves vitamin B complex, vitamin C also, and Vitamin K supplementation in cases of haemorrhagic gastroenteritis.
2 thoughts on “Everything’s Fine With Diafine”
[…] and any deviation from the standard form with a recurrent tendency can be termed as diarrhea. Dog Diarrhea in itself is not a disease but is simply an indicator for some ongoing disease process. It is […]
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